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Does distance make the heart grow fonder?


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Does distance really make the heart grow fonder?


Here I am at the start of my first long distance relationship. Three days have passed, and I already miss him like crazy


I am trying to be positive and think only about the good aspects of being in a long distance relationship. We'll both have a lot of time to ourselves and be able to concentrate on other things. When we see each other again I am sure we will be really happy to reunite and enjoy each other's company like always.

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Missing him so much is good! If you didn't miss him you should be worried. How long is the distance? I had a relatively long distance reltionship with someone and it was great! We had our own lives and space and the time we spent together was so special and we did loads of stuff and had so much to talk about good luck

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It does. I'm a 4,000 mile relationship and I miss him like crazy every single day and the week or so we get spend together every three or four months is ubber special because we don't see each other every day. Whereas normal couples get to have all those 'first' things early on, it makes the LDR special because it could be months or years before you experience all those 'firsts'

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Optomisticgirl, you seem to be in an identical situation to me, I have just got back from visiting my girlfriend for the first time (I live in the UK and she lives in the US), which was amazing, but I'd just like to know a little about how you guys have coped, which one is moving etc... if that's ok. I would really appreciate it as the last few days after coming home have been really tough.




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Optomisticgirl, you seem to be in an identical situation to me, I have just got back from visiting my girlfriend for the first time (I live in the UK and she lives in the US), which was amazing, but I'd just like to know a little about how you guys have coped, which one is moving etc... if that's ok. I would really appreciate it as the last few days after coming home have been really tough.





Sure, just PM me so we don't cluter the OP's thread.

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