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i think i made a mistake - stuck foot in mouth


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... about a week ago, I posted about how i have this overseas friend whom I feel is avoiding me even though we had been close.


To make a long story short, after I sent her an email and she didn't respond to it, I sent her another email telling her that I no longer wish to hunt her down and much less spend money on postage if I am not getting any kind of normal response from her.


Well, a few days later tonight when I saw her online, she got annoyed and told me that she thinks that my writing her asking her to tell me a story is weird, and that she's never heard of someone asking her that before.




Then, she said that if i dont' want to send her birthday gifts that I dont' have to - it's not obligated. (she seemed a bit annoyed).


She resumed the conversation normally, but I kind of felt uncomfortable with the situation. Of course, she ended the conversation early.


What do you think? Did I do something wrong? Maybe I shouldn't have told her about spending money on her on postage thing, but i certainly don't see anything wrong with asking her to tell me something / a story as a means of catching up.


What do you think - is she worth seeking out? We used to be so close, but I really do think she's pulling away, and I'm not sure if I went about this the right way.

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Well..if you are online friends its very reasonable if someone gets busy with work, school, family and is not online as much. If she didn't quickly answer a particular email, I would have cut her some slack. I think it was premature to say that you wont be looking for her or sending her something. You dont have to send her stuff - thats' fine, but to suggest that she wronged you for not responding was a little harsh I think.


If you want to continue the friendship, I would communicate as normal with no expectation she will jump to respond, but if you don't care, then don't.

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