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Update after nc break.

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Its been almost a month since we have seen each other. 2 weeks ago i broke no contact with a text because I needed to get some thing I left at her house. She said ok. I decided to send a mutual friend over instead, because she has a 2 year old that i look at as my own, and didnt want to hurt her anymore by her seeing me. Anyway I didnt get all my stuff back. She says its not there. However I know it is, or she has gotten rid of it. My friend did tell me that she found out she had a date later in the week. Great i thought. So later in the week I happened to meet someone and went out on a few dates myself. I figured it would get back to my ex. Better for her to think ive moved on than sitting here sorry for myself. I ended it with the other girl being honest saying I just wasnt ready for something serious right now, but when it comes to my friend asking I say things are great. I havent seen my ex in a month, and only recieved an "ok" from her on a text when i broke no contact. Finding it sometimes harder than normal to keep her off my mind. Any tips or advice or words of encouragement? I do still love her, and her daughter as well. I think being without them both makes it even harder. Like I lost a daughter when I lost my girl.

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