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How far would you go to get an ex back?


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evil is not only attributed to rape or murder fyi.


I'm not talking about the definition of evil specifically...I'm talking about you referring to it as "absolutely evil," as in, it is absolute (or %100) evil, comparable to something extreme as in murder or rape.


I would say that what he did is more devious, or bad; and while it can even be considered evil, it is not on the same level as the aforementioned crimes. If anything, he would get arrested for hacking into someone's account, but not his attempt to break two people up.


So, what he did was selfish? Yes. Bad? Yes. Childish? Yes? But, not absolutely, %100 evil.

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lol wow, I guess I can see at least thinking about it if not doing that back when things went bad initially, that whole desperation/anger thing can go pretty deep. When I got to the scheming thing I started reading stuff like the 48 laws of power and the art of seduction by green, which is some real slimeball stuff. This was in the anger phase where I just wanted to wreck stuff, but I never put my plan into action. I'm quite sure I could have "Won" but it would have come at a steep price.


I will have to say that I felt like I should have had the mission impossible music playing in the background while I read that.

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Yeah I think you took it a little far...since she was starting to get close to this guy there was really a really good chance that she'd discuss the whole thing with him and get suspicious, which happened. I guess the cover up sort of worked but I would feel so guilty for all of it, not for the new guy really but just knowing that I screwed up something for her that had the potential to be everything she wanted, you know? Things might not have worked out with them anyway, he was almost a rebound and you should have let it run it's course.


I understand though how it got that far, sometimes you do crazy things when you're heartbroken. I have to say I feel guilty for what I did. I still had my exes password too...I checked his emails (which were few and far between). I found out that he was looking for a new place to live and it hurt me. I read some facebook messages that he sent to friends and it hurt me even more...how he wrote to his (jealous) friend who had disrespected me early on in our relationship that he now realized that he was just 'sticking up for him' because I 'treated him badly'...when I never did anything and I thought we were happy. So that hurt. A month later he signed up for a dating site and I spiraled. I was able to sign into it because it was the same password. For a little while I deleted messages that girls were sending to him, and I feel really guilty for doing it. He changed his password eventually and over time it stopped hurting so much, not being able to see it anymore helped me get a grip and now I don't care as much. Still hate myself for it though, I got a little crazy when I was that emotional.


How could I be with him again knowing that I invaded his privacy? I'd have to admit to it or I wouldn't be able to live with myself. So I don't know what else I can do other than move on and see what happens.

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