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Wife is not tellling the truth

thomas more

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I have found a few cases in the past few days where my wife was not telling the whole truth to me.


A couple of days ago it was about a conversation she had with someone, whom I later found out from them they had not spoken with her for a few weeks and knew nothing of the topic she said she talked with them about. So, who was she talking to?


She has changed the password on her email account. Normally, when she logs in she's just sitting back like normal. Lately she has been leaning forward, covering the keyboard away from me. I have always known her password, she would ask me to check her mail for her or log on, no problem. I checked, I can't log on and I'm not about to break the law to try to get it. I just raises the question... what's going on?


Tonight, she proclaimed her cell phone battery was dying so she was turning it off as we left a bar where we had gone out to. Trying to be a nice guy and tend to her, I plugged her phone in. The phone lighted up and her battery showed up as half full. Cell phones don't alert you to dying at half full? Why did she tell me that lie? Why did she turn off her phone?


Right now, the phone is left plugged in. I suspect/expect that tomorrow she will note to me that I had done that in her typical "Thanks for doing that." fashion has she has in the past. Can I then confront her with what I found was really the condition of the phone? Ask why she turned it off and told me it was dying?


Or, am I blowing up trivial stuff?

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Right now, the phone is left plugged in. I suspect/expect that tomorrow she will note to me that I had done that in her typical "Thanks for doing that." fashion has she has in the past. Can I then confront her with what I found was really the condition of the phone? Ask why she turned it off and told me it was dying?


Or, am I blowing up trivial stuff?


It does sound suspicious, but right now you don't have enough to go on. I wouldn't confront her about the cell phone battery because she can easily dismiss it.


I assume you can't confront her about the email password because she didn't ask you to check it? If you were frequently logging into her email without her asking you to then she may have just changed the password to stop you from snooping.


So for now I'd probably let it go and wait until you have something more concrete to confront her about. Preferably without snooping, as it's a violation of trust.


Eventually if you still feel uneasy you might wait for a time when you are alone and relatively relaxed and you can ask her as gently as possible if there's anything going on you should know about. Tell her you've observed some unusual/inconsistent behavior. She will likely get defensive, so you will have to be prepared. Maybe even admit you don't have any hard evidence and respect her too much to snoop but it's just an uneasy feeling, etc.


Good luck.

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Not everyone waits till their phone is almost dead to charge it. To her, half way dead might be "almost" dead.


Has she ever changed her email password? Some people do this every so often for security reasons. Have you read her emails w/o permission in the past? Maybe she felt you were snooping? Just a thought.


The conversation thing she claims to have had is too grey imo to worry about.Maybe she said the wrong person, maybe she had the timing wrong, maybe the friend forgot about it. Who knows.



It just doesn't seem to be enough to go on. Is there anything else she's done to worry you or does she have a history of cheating?

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