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8 months later.. time heals

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There is hope for the future folks..


It's been 8 months for me, and I'm in a completely different place in my life. 8 months ago, I was completely broken, my ex left me for another girl and said he no longer loved me, I begged and cried for about a month, had to accept the fact that I went through an abusive relationship, that he cheated on me and lied to me, he cut me off cold turkey and we haven't spoken since January. Definitely one of the toughest things I have ever gone through.


I saw him and HER last night and they acted like complete children. He ignored me and didn't look at me once. Not that I care anymore. I mean, obviously I have my questions.. like why he hates me when HE'S the one who almost ruined my life, but I've stopped caring. Did I feel something when I saw him? Yes. I saw the man I once gave my heart to and a bit of sadness came back. But I know better now, and that man isn't who I thought he was. I'll always love who I thought he was, if that even makes sense.


And now here I am.. new boyfriend, new memories. The old ones still pop back up, probably always will but I'm way past ever hoping to get back together or even talking to him. That chapter of my life is closed. And the only healer truly is TIME. Once you go through it, you realize that.


So far all people in the position I was 8 months ago, just hang in there. I know it's annoying to hear.. I felt the same way.. but things have to get better. And they will.


xox Leighton

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