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Question about internet dating


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I've been on this dating site for over a year...I'm not very active on it. There's this one guy that has been sporadically emailing me since I got on the site, I haven't expressed much interest in meeting him and that's why his contact hasn't been consistent. However now I would like to meet him, we've exchanged numbers and he contacted me today.


The problem is, I have gained some weight since I joined the site, so the pics I have up might not be that accurate, however I did recently upload a more recent pic which is pretty true to life. I'm assuming he's seen this pic since he's emailed me quite a few times since I uploaded that pic, and always tells me he still finds me the most attractive girl on the site (I know that's a line). Anyway I don't know if I should bring up my weight gain, or hint to him that I'm a bit bigger now than in most of the pics I have up. Or perhaps I should just leave well enough alone?

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For me, it would depend on how much weight was gained, and if the newer pic represents that. What I mean is, if you have a older body shot of you when you were thinner, and the newer pic is only a head shot. As far as how much weight, I would think a 5 to 10 lb weight gain is okay. If it's 20 or more, it might not be, unless you carry it really well.


If all of that is reasonable, I would go ahead and meet him. Let him decide. If not, you might want to mention it, just to save yourself some time. I know it seems shallow, but attraction is what it is...

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For me, it would depend on how much weight was gained, and if the newer pic represents that. What I mean is, if you have a older body shot of you when you were thinner, and the newer pic is only a head shot. As far as how much weight, I would think a 5 to 10 lb weight gain is okay. If it's 20 or more, it might not be, unless you carry it really well.


If all of that is reasonable, I would go ahead and meet him. Let him decide. If not, you might want to mention it, just to save yourself some time. I know it seems shallow, but attraction is what it is...


While the newer pic is not a full body shot (none of my pics are) it's an upper body shot which most of my other pics on the site are as well.

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I would take down any pics that aren't a true representation of what I look like in person. It's very frustrating to meet someone who doesn't look at all like what they've posted.


That said, if it's only a few pounds, I wouldn't worry about it.


I still look like those pics just a bit heavier now.

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I mean it's tough to say. I guess you seem to be bothered by it. I wouldn't bring it up, let him decide. I have been on a few dates where there was a pretty drastic difference in what I thought I was about to see and what I saw... with that said I still went on the dates and if it wasn't a drastic difference, and I had fun I wouldn't have cared.

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