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well things have finally got to the point where im about to kill myself again. now, things have been going fine for a while. but now im fighting with my dad, all my old problems are coming back to get me.things arent all bad i have a girlfriend now but i dont think she cares about me at all. all i want is to be alone and i cant do that. i want to bleed i want to sleep and never wake up. i want to be sad. i need help badly how can i stop wanting to die.i know there are people who care about me but i really dont care about that anymore my life is so insignificant. if i die a hundred years from now no one would even. please help me.i just want to bleed ive gotten to the point where most men have sexual fantasies i have fantasies of dying my bloody dreams.help me please

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Not to sound like a jerk.. but damit get a hold of yourself.. Man suicide is a bad deal it offers only bad and once your dead you go to hell. Plus its selfish your gona put your family and friends through that? you still have ppl who love you and care about you.. dont forget about them embrace them try to be optomistic.. self mutalation is a bad thing.. try not to do that.. and go to a shrink or something.. itll help



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ok well im already going to a shrink and its not helping i feel better for about ten minutes then i feel worse then before. and about putting people through that ive lost three friends to suicide in the last to years. and i know people care about me. i have four people who care about me. and my family really doesnt care about me i know you think im just saying that because im a teenager but no my parents really dont love me.and self mutilation is bad but its also addictive.i have already started its not something you can just quit.and if these people who say they love really care wouldnt they want my suffering to end?


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Hon, you're 15.....you have NO clue what the coming years have to offer you, and I can PROMISE you you'll have happier times in the future. Yes, you're going through a bad spell. Can you seek counselling, either through school or through a therapist outside of school? Obviously this is the first answer to your problem, is talking about it with a professional.


Don't be so quick to give up, my friend. You've lived only a fraction of your life, and, believe it or not, your hormones, those silly things swimming around in you, are helping to cause this havoc you're experiencing. Unseen, but they're nasty buggers anyway.


Don't give up yet. You have so much to see, and experience. Try to write down how you feel in a journal, if you can't get help right now. You can write your darkest, nastiest thoughts in a journal, and (I know this from personal experience) it will give you some relief of that tension, and you'll have a bit more freedom in your mind. Pursue the activities that you enjoy. Lame, but they work. Be close to your friends. And stick with us!!!



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well i already see a councelor i feel better for like 5 minutes and then i feel worse then before. and i do keep a journal but thats not helping anymore.i know my life isnt over i have alot of time yet but i dont want to suffer anymore. i dont wanna give life a second chance i was never given a first chance.ive suffered in every way possible.i dont think this life diserves a chance.


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i know exactly. i felt just like u do about 6 months ago. i tried to commit suicide. i slit my wrist and i passed out from blood loss. but i didnt die all i got was 2 nasty scars and 3 years of therapy. i am a cutter and i know how addictive it is. i also know how hard it must be to deal wit ur stress. plz reconsider suicide. if u ever need to talk u can email me at email removed or private message me


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ok dude the creepiest thing to me is that you sound just like my best friend. he has dreams of killing himself and he has a girlfriend that is crap to him parents everything. but killing yourself really isn't worth it. i mean the way your friends will feel no matter what even if it's not true they would feel like they could have done something and made it better. it is hard to keep going. but do it for them. and about that they would want the suffering to end......NO ok. the point is not to want you to die if you want to. it is to try to make things better. to talk to you and you talk to them and let you know that it will get better.

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please don't. it's not worth it. you're missing out on so much. it doesnt seem like it now but it's true. you're special and you can be strong enough to beat this and itll be so worth it. i know you don't know me, but please trust that. suicide (and cutting, etc.) is not a subject to be taken lightly. it's scary and i've recenetly dealt with it personally. if you or anyone you know ever considers it, please reconsider. life is too precious and there are other ways to cope; it solves nothing. please keep this in mind and remember that the dark clouds will lift. you are not alone, remember that. this too shall pass and you will see that. get a hobby, hang with friends, make some friends, listen to music, watch good movies, anything that will make you happy, its out there. contact me if you want, take care


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