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First time in almost a month I've been up late thinking about her. I've usually been able to just not think about it and go straight to bed. I read a post here on ENA by another poster and it really brought back some memories to me. I miss some of the things we used to do together, especially talking to one another. I miss her presence, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I keep thinking how different this summer could have been for the two of us if we were still together. Things between us ended on a bad note and to top things off she has a new bf 3 weeks after our split. I don't want her back, I think what I'm missing is the companionship. I keep thinking about "the one" and hopefully I'll be able to find her when I go back to college in the Fall. Until then I am still very hopeful and positive. I just hope I don't have any more of these bad nights.

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You're going to have more of these bad nights. It's just the fact of the matter.


The nights are the worst. Take a terrible situation, couple it with backsteps and emotions that aren't stable (as the night goes on, the more tired we are) and these nights are going to happen. And that's ok.


On these nights, try doing something, ANYTHING to get your mind off of it. Call a friend on the phone, think about sports, something.


And you'll be ok in the morning.

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On a lighter note, my mom just killed a GIANT bug that has been in my room for a few days now. The first night I found it it got away. I refused to sleep in my room until today. As I was writing this I heard something crawling on some scattered papers on the ground (messy room) and sure enough it was the bug. My mom was awake so she came in and killed it I guess that was a plus for me staying up tonight.

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Dont frown upon memories you could have had with your ex this summer.


Firstly, its summer time....and that is the best time to be single


Secondly, you are only 18 my friend. You have a long life ahead of you and will be in many more relationships......dont dwell on your ex.......

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