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he broke nc so i broke nc.. help?

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my ex just sent me a blank text. Again. He did that 1 week after he broke up at 4am as well. I am pretty sure it is because he is just drunk.


so i broke nc and told him that i know its just a wrong number on his part and to ask him to either lock his phone or delete my number.


Should i have done that? Or should i just have ignored it? What should i do if it happens again?


i am so angry now! i wish i said that if he only misses me when he's drunk he should go **** himself.

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I think it is probably best to ignore it and try not to read anything into it, though I understand how hard that would. When we take action and say things in the heat of the moment it is always something we later regret when emotions have settled.

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Blank text is not a contact, it's like poking you with a long stick so he doesn't have to be close enough to you get backfired from his own action.


I am sorry you are still upset over this, but anger is a strong energy that exhaust you, and you are wasting your precious energy for someone who is not even trying real hard to approach you.


Be strong, know you deserve better!


Good luck x

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