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Trying to stay strong

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Almost 7 weeks since my break up, in my 3rd week of NC.


I've been doing fine lately. I've accepted that she is gone and she even has a new boyfriend just 3 weeks after our split. Not sure why it's hurting me so hard today. I just went thru her facebook and saw all these stupid, corny, cheesy comments between her and her new bf. I've seen them before and felt fine but today I don't know. I'm not going to cry or feel sad because I know I deserve better but this is a weird feeling. I'm not sure how to describe it. I shouldn't be on her facebook but believe it or not, it has helped me in the past. I'm sure this is just a phase I'm feeling and it will go away soon.


I've realized our relationship wasn't meant to be. The things that I miss are someone being there for me to text and call and talk to. Someone who is there for me to hold and hug and kiss. Other than that, we had nothing in common and it was a terrible relationship. I thought it was something special but now I see it was nothing.


Actually, after writing this, I feel fine again. I feel much better now. I feel great I can't wait to be with the right person one day.

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I feel ya. He wasn't right for me and everyone told me during and after our relationship that I could do so much better. But I still miss him here and there because I'm a bit lonely. So I've been doing things like going to the gym, socializing wherever I go, submerging myself in school, and learning to truly love myself to fill that void. I have a few relapses here and there but the good days are becoming stronger and longer.


Before I did this, it was extremely important for me to *start* not caring about what my ex thinks. So I blocked him on Facebook to protect myself from getting hurt and to start blurring my memories of him. It's working. I suggest you do the same....


Hang in there, rhino.

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I feel ya. He wasn't right for me and everyone told me during and after our relationship that I could do so much better. But I still miss him here and there because I'm a bit lonely. So I've been doing things like going to the gym, socializing wherever I go, submerging myself in school, and learning to truly love myself to fill that void. I have a few relapses here and there but the good days are becoming stronger and longer.


Before I did this, it was extremely important for me to *start* not caring about what my ex thinks. So I blocked him on Facebook to protect myself from getting hurt and to start blurring my memories of him. It's working. I suggest you do the same....


Hang in there, rhino.


She blocked me from facebook and all of my friends. I had to get another friend of mine to help me out. That's how I'm able to even view her page.


But yeah, I'm feeling better after writing this. It sucks because this month is supposed to be our 2 year anniversary. It's coming in a 2 1/2 weeks. We did something really special on our 1 year and we wanted to top it. We had all these plans and everything too. It sucks but whatever. I am and I need to move on.

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It happens, man. But you're still a really young fella. A lot of times we where these rose colored shades and think everything was fantastic and stuff but overtime you get stripped off them. Luckily for you, yours fell off sooner then later. I realize you said looking at her facebook helps, but I would try to kick that. In the meantime, try to get out and mingle a bit or start networking with people.

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Lose the access to facebook - stop looking at her profile.


Trust me when I say its hindering your healing.


Im 4 weeks NC.....I deleted and blocked her on facebook 4 weeks ago today. I have NO URGE whatsoever to even try to FIND a way to get access to her page. Why? Because I dont want to see that shes dating someone else. I dont want to see status updates that life is grand and perfect. I dont need to see that crap. It will only bring me pain and hurt.


Let go of the Facebook. Just move on and stop looking at her stuff. Really, you arent 3 weeks NC if you are lurking cause NC includes no MSN, no Facebook, no Text.

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