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How do you compliment a girl?

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Hey, I have been reading some advice on enotalone and most people say when talking to a girl, compliment her, her hair, her clothes etc. But every time I try and think of something it seems too obvious that I like the girl. What's the best way to compliment a girl? How do you be original and make her remember you?



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Hiya EvilJedi


Well, how would you compliment a buddy? just be natural, I will let you in on a good tip though.


Don't compliment her on something obvious, for example if she is really pretty or has beautiful green eyes, don't tell her wow you have beautiful eyes, thats what everyone tell her, and it wont mean much, you wont stick out.


Instead you might say, wow thats nice hair, how you get it shiny like that or something similar less obvious.


Ask her where she got those shoes, etc. if she come up with the answer to something or says something witty, tell her she is smart, "I wouldn't have thought of that, your smart as well as pretty" make it off the wall.


Just find small details, inject them into the conversation as you talk.

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I say, compliment her on something she actually cares about, or else you come off sounding kinda cheesy. That's just my opinion.


Like, if you compliment her on her shirt, and it's just some old shirt she threw on in the morning, she won't be as pleased as if she just worked on a class project and you noticed something cool about it.


And say it if you really mean it, don't just say it to get points. Like one guy I know doesn't compliment very well; it's like he hasn't thought about it. He'll point to something I'm wearing and say, "Oh look! You're wearing a necklace!" And I'm like, "Yeah...? And your point is...?"


(I think that, I don't say it...)


So, that's what I think. Hope it helps.

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Whoah, sorry, but I'd get creeped out if a guy I wasn't dating or madly flirting with told me I had beautiful lips. Plus, it doesn't sound very sincere. I knew a guy who kept telling me "gosh, you're so beautiful" and it sounded like he just wanted to get laid. (actually, that was the case, but we're using this as an example here ;D)


I do love being complimented on very different things though. Clothing is a great thing. If she's wearing a unique looking shirt, definitely comment on it! But don't just go "that's a cool shirt"...point out WHY it's cool. Then she knows you're not just complimenting her to get her to like you. Hobbies like someone else mentioned are great. I wear different earrings every day and paint my nails in wacky designs every week. I love it when guys notice this.


Laughing at a girl's joke is the best form of compliment. Don't force it though. We will know. Oh yes we will. If she's good at a particular subject, say "you'll have to help me some time!" (note...don't say "can you help me?"...make a statement, not a question). This is a sublte compliment on her intelligence, and since it wasn't a question, she really isn't obligated to help you and you won't have to *really* work on that subject with her...unless you want to of course.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Complimenting is risky. It can make you look weird or desperate. It's a risk you have to take though.


Include one or two compliments per date in the natural flow of the conversation during the date, just so that she knows you are interested in her. When you're just getting to know the girl you are limited in what you can compliment her on.


Be prepared to back up you your compliment with a specific explanation. Several girls have done this to me as to possibly test my sincerity, even if the compliment came out naturally.


I have found that compliments are most effective when they are sincere and specific. Don't make a big deal out of it. Compliments work even better if the girl doesn't see the it coming.

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If it looks like she's spent a lot of time on something, for example, hair. or it's something she's never wore before, like a new bit of jewellery or something of that sort, just comment casual but as if you mean it


"hey, i like your hair, do something new to it?"


Works for me anyway.

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  • 2 weeks later...

To the person who was talking about complimenting shoes and asking where the girl got them and whatnot.


I was going to try that last weekend when i seen an attractive girl, who has some pretty cool shoes really.... and i was going to say something to the extent of "hey those are cool shoes, where did you get those"


but the problem i have... is what SHE Would think when i ask that. Im thinking she would be thinking, WHY would he want to know where I got my shoes... Because they are girl shoes. Would a dude (like myself) wear girl shoes. no.


I realize its a compliment and ice breaker... but i just think to logically.. and thats what i think my problem is when talking to girls...

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Good point Jason, wouldn't look sincere if you said something like that, it would look phony.


it would be better to say something like, "wow nice shoes, you always seem to have a great sense of style" or something to that effect. which is a really nice compliment, you not just saying she has nice shoes but that its because of her personality and choices that she has them on.


Of course if she is wearing ugly beat up sneaks, then it will look like sarcasm, so you have to be sincere with your compliments.

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