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My ex boyfriend is my bes friend. we broke up bcuz there were many rumors goin round dat he cheated on me. anywayz now everything is bak to normal. he still likes me n i still like him. i don think i would eva get bak wit him b cuz da last time we were together he broke me heart. despite da fact i still love him, i told him to go out wit a girl named tiffany n forget bout me. now im stuck n i don noe wha to do anymore.

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You have every right to be cautious about getting back with him. It should take quite some time for you to heal that wound before you can fully trust him again...if ever. I think you have a good frame of mind...you recognize that another shot could be terribly painful. I suggest you stick with that and not give into temptation. In other words, I think that if you have any sort of relationship, it should be a friendship, nothing more....at least for now, while the wound is still raw.

As for him dating another girl...I think you may know that you are not fully ok with him dating someone else. That is common and natural. But you do not need to be around them while they are together. You could spend time with him without her around. I think you are telling him it is ok to go out with her because you feel that he should not hold back b/c of your pain. This is right. He (and yourself) need the freedom to be with other people. If you were to spend time as friends with him without another girl, it could cause problems between him and the girl and he could then turn and not be friends with you. If you wwant to avoid this and still hold a friendship with him, I suggest being casual friends. Do not cut off everything with him. Talk every once in a while...act more like aquaintances so no one is threatened (you or the other girl). And once you feel that you can be fully comfortable with he and his new gf, then you could make the friendship closer and spend time with him and her...

I hope this helped a bit

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