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dunno if she likes me or not

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hey people.


i went to a concert last night with a group of friends.to be honest,i was a little depressed but i was trying to enjoy myself.


i think my friends noticed this.anyway,my friend sally and i were on the dancefloor.she took me by the hands and started dancing with me.now,to put this in perspective,she is the most shy and nervous person.this isnt the kind of thing she would do.


thing is,im nt sure if she likes me at all.if she does,id want a relationship with her because shes a sweet and funny girl underneath.


how do i go about finding out?see,i might be jumping conclusions but i just dunno.




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Iono dude i have never gone out with a girl or ever had much interaction with many girls in my life but ill give what i think.It does sound that she might like you but is she a really good friend of yours that is very comfortable with you?And would do these type of things with you or has the been the first time she has done a thing liek this?

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Compliment her to make her feel more confident. Let her know that you like her as a person so that you gain her trust. Then you should be able to tell better.


After that ask her out for a beer or bottle of red wine or to a movie.


Why not? What have you got to lose?

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