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hang in there, don't do it. I think A LOT of us have gone through the same exact situation, some of us may have given in, but in the end, when there really is no hope for the relationship, it does no good at all. Try to be strong.

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Yeah I agree, do not do it! I sent my ex a message on facebook after we split and afterwards I regretted it so much. It is better to be the bigger person and not say a thing, because you do not want them to know how much you are suffering because of them, all it will do is inflate his ego and it won't make him miss you like you are hoping.


Just be strong! It will get easier. Oh, and do not look at his facebook, delete his page from your history!

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Did he contact you at any point after he broke up with you because of his religion? I'm actually curious to know what religion he's with as some do frown upon (in their belief) any romantic/sexual relationships who doesn't belong in the same religion.


"IF" that were really the case, did he give you any other information and even talked about his religion in depth to you? Otherwise all I can think is that he used the religion as an excuse to get out of the relationship which obviously you don't need to go further than move the other direction and not contact him.

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I too sent my ex a message after he broke up with me, and instead of making me feel relieved, it made me feel 10 times worse. Why? Because I had some hope that his response would be different and all he said was "to be strong for him", meaning he was moving on while I was breaking apart.

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Did he contact you at any point after he broke up with you because of his religion? I'm actually curious to know what religion he's with as some do frown upon (in their belief) any romantic/sexual relationships who doesn't belong in the same religion.


"IF" that were really the case, did he give you any other information and even talked about his religion in depth to you? Otherwise all I can think is that he used the religion as an excuse to get out of the relationship which obviously you don't need to go further than move the other direction and not contact him.


He is Christian (Pentecostal) and yeah they do frown upon it, but I mean we were having sex and they are not suppose to lol, and way he put it accross was like he can't be "holy" around me or what ever because you know he feels temptation. But even if he meets a Christian girl that believes exactly as he does he cannot tell me there WON'T be any temptation.


He did give me A LOT of information about his beliefs and I respect it and I have looked into it myself I just do not believe it; I don't believe we are all going to burn in hell if we are not "blood washed born again" for example; my dad died before he could get the chance to be "born again" he was killed didn't really have a choice so that means he is going to burn in hell for eternity according to my boyfriends beliefs.

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I too sent my ex a message after he broke up with me, and instead of making me feel relieved, it made me feel 10 times worse. Why? Because I had some hope that his response would be different and all he said was "to be strong for him", meaning he was moving on while I was breaking apart.


Yeah I have already kind of felt that few days after the break up sort of like "you have people to help you through"

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Yeah I agree, do not do it! I sent my ex a message on facebook after we split and afterwards I regretted it so much. It is better to be the bigger person and not say a thing, because you do not want them to know how much you are suffering because of them, all it will do is inflate his ego and it won't make him miss you like you are hoping.


Just be strong! It will get easier. Oh, and do not look at his facebook, delete his page from your history!


Deleted him 2 days after the break up but I mean there is a send msg option lol and it's annoying.

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Unfortunately that's what he believes. If he feels strongly about it and sounds like is the reason why he needed to break up with you there's not much you can do. In a sense you two are now going in a different path.


I would not contact him as hard as it is. Sounds like he made it pretty clear of his beliefs and intentions.

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