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At The Crossroads Between Love & Moving On... PLEASE HEL

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Hi, well here is my situation. I'll try and make it short as possible. The past two months i have been involved in a very good, loving gay tionship with this guy (we are both 19). During those two months we shared every emotion you can share with another human. He even got me a ring and had a romantic candlelite bath for my bday. However there were flaws in our personalities. Mine are trust and jealousy issues, and his are communication and affection issues. Well, two weeks ago after a two hour phone conversation we decided to go our separate ways. I made the phone call, cause i knew something was wrong, but he wouldnt tell me. Well in those two hours he confessed that he "didnt know" and was "confussed" about being in love with me and staying together. He latter confessed that he had met another guy two weeks prior to the phone conversation and that he had fallen in love with him. So i said, do you think we should end this, and he said yes, i think thats the best thing to do. But when i got the phone, just something didnt seem right about what he said, and i felt something else wasnt been told. Well the next day i went and had my hair did, which he does. We didnt talk much, but when i left i gave him a three page letter expressing my feelings towards him, both positive and negative. That was the last time i saw him, and its been two weeks now. However, two nights ago he called. But i was not here, so i returned his call the next day. And all he had to say was that he just needed someone to talk to cause he felt suicidal cause of drama going on in his life. Well last night we talked again, but it was a more indepth conversation. And towards the end he said he had to ask me something. He asked me, was the letter i gave him true? And i said yes, it came from the heart. Well he said that he read it 6 times, and cried, and couldnt do hair for the next two hours. Then he said, i have another question to ask? He said, would you ever take me back? This totally shocked me. So i said well come over Sat night and we will just talk about it. However durring that phone conversation he confessed about issues that was really going on when we broke up. He said that he was just stressed out by the way i was acting towards him, and two of his friends told him that i was cheating. Then come to find out, the other guy, which is DJ, has a bf named Jamie and he said that he was never in love with him, and has not slept with anyone since me. He said it was a way to make me hate him, so he could hate me, so it would of been easier for him to end it. However, my ex is living with this couple DJ & Jaime, but he said its just friends, and thats it. So now im at a crossroads between working something out with someone who i truley love and care about, or just forget him and move on cause he might do this again? Please offer me any advice you have, cause i have only until Sat night when he comes over to make a decsision regarding what to do with this situtation. My heart says go, but my mind says no. Please help, i would appreciate it alot. Thanks

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