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I have often seen people write that they feel it is unfair or not right for someone to start a new relationship before they are completely over their Ex. I guess I can agree with this, but I can also disagree.


Think about the PRO's: It will help you get over your Ex faster, it will make you much happier, it will increase the chances of you falling in love again, etc...


Reason I ask is, I still really like my Ex, but I also have my eye on a new girl. I want to make a move and start talking to her and work my magic but you guys say I should wait a while before all feelings for my ex are gone, and i feel that the only way i can remove all feelings is to gain feelings for another girl. my life is reallll busy and i still think about her a lot, i mean ALOT. i think i need a new girl and this girl is really cute and she looks she might have potential. Is it okay if I go for her?

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It depends on the extent of your feelings for you ex. Most, if not all people, will always care for their ex's. But if you still have intense feelings for an ex, jumping into a relationship quickly thereafter is the infamous "rebound relationship". They rarely ever develop and work out. They're basically a quick, temporary fix for the hurt that follows a breakup, serving your own needs and not the needs of your partner. That's a sure way to end up in a relationship destined to fail.


For me personally, what I'm going through now I still have intense feelings for my ex, and don't even consider jumping into a relationship with someone else until I'm emotionally healed and prepared. I know if I did, it would be automatically sabotaged because I couldn't put into a new relationship what I would need to.

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If you start a relationship before being 100% over your ex, you will likely start a pattern of using each new relationship as a way to get over the last. It's a difficult pattern to be in, and a cycle that's really tough to stop.

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Hi Trane,


It is extremely risky to start a new relationship before you are over are over your ex. What you risk is to enter a rebound relationship, which in the end might hurt your partner AND you. Rebound relationship is a relationship in which you 'use' your new partner for getting over your ex.


It might or might not work out in the end. What you have to avoid at all times, is talking about your ex too much. That doesn't give your partner a lot of confidence. If you really like this girl, my suggestion is to start as friends and see how things go from there. There is a lifetime to take it to a next step. Meanwhile it might be a good idea to focus on what you really look for in a relationship and what exactly your needs are in it.


I wish you good luck and lots of happiness.


~ SwingFox ~

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