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Girlfriend getting mad over nothing

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hi to everyone again,

lately it seems like my gf is getting mad over nothing. when she gets mad she wont acknowledge me, talk 2 me, or hold me at all even when i try to hold her. is there anything i can say or do 2 make this stop. i love her soo much but it brings me down when she treats me like im her property or something. it seems like she doesnt even care about me. she never asks how i am, if everything is ok or if i show that something is wrong all she says is "what"

any input would be appreciated

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I seems that your girlfriend is having sensitivity issues but you also have to be honest and tell her how you feel and maybe her getting mad at you is maybe some insecurity issues or maybe she is having emmotional problems you guys just need to sit down and talk and if you are not going to be treated the way you should be treated than you have some decisions to make hope I have helped!!!

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It seems like there are two things going on. First, she's feeling very angry for some reason, and isn't handling it very well. People should be able to get mad without resorting to freezing the other person out. Try to think about what makes her mad, though -- is there any pattern? Maybe she feels mad at you for doing something, but hasn't been able to tell you what it is. This will go on unless you two have a heart to heart talk.


The other thing, about her not seeming to care about you, that's more of a problem. If she's genuinely not being interested in you, it's not fair to you. That seems selfish to me. She needs to give to you, too. Again, talk it over. Let her know what you think and feel, without being accusing or desperate/needy. Tell her about the things you are observing ("I notice that sometimes ...") and tell her why it concerns you. Then ask for her opinion. Well, it's a start. Good luck.

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I do that exact same thing that when I have issues with my bf. I try to talk to him about things that bother me & it seems like he's listening...but then nothing ever gets done about them. After a while, I just kind of give up in a way and become a little cold. It's terrible and I really don't know why I do it, but reading your post has opened my eyes a little bit about the way i've been treating him. It's possible it's like a resentment thing. I get like that because I don't really feel like giving anymore when I'm not getting much back at all. It's like the relationship is lopsided. I love my bf dearly, more than anything, but there are little things that bother me that i don't handle very well. When i can't handle something, i tend to leave the room or avoid the confrontation & that's when i start getting cold & disappointed & down. I would talk to her & see what's going on.

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its hard for me 2 think about what 2 do w our relationship, i want 2 fix this but everytime i try 2 talk 2 her she just seems 2 ignore any probs

then can get mad b/c of it. ive been thinking about tryin 2 fix everything but if it doesnt work im gonna go my own way, nobody deserves to be put through the things i have been put through by her.

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