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Update: Sense the last post.


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Well, I want to thank the people that who wrote me sense the last post I put on here.

Thank you for who those responded to me and helped me in not making the mistake. I know that one day that h... will break loose with that family but right now I could care less about those people at this momment and decided to move past this. Even though its going to take me a while to adjust with him being gone for good, I dont want to go back to the same

torment again.


I feel a little better now sense I got this out on the open. So i've decided to take a trip back home to be around my cousin's and friends and just keep busy with them. Until I comptely healed and moved on either thats when I will decide to return back or just live their for good. So I'm getting my passport ready and fixing to buy my plain ticket and leave for about 2-3 months and not to be able to deal with anything here. The more I stay the more I go nuts.


Thanks again everyone.

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