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Questions about depression

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To be honest, nobody is truly certain what causes depression. And because of this, nobody is truly certain why anti-depressants work. Or why some people respond to them, and some don't.


Also there is a difference between being sad, and being clinically depressed. Everybody gets sad from time to time about things. And has periods where they don't feel good about life. But clinical depression is much more chronic and troublesome because it just doesn't go away. It keeps coming back again and again.


Its VERY common for adolescence to trigger a period of sadness. Everything is changing. Hormones are raging. People expect more from you but yet don't give you the freedom to make your own decisions. It is very frustrating, and so people get sad. But only a portion of those people are truly "depressed".

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Well sadness is a chemical imbalance in your brain too. While it is true that nobody knows what causes depression, it is widely believed that it is a direct after-effect of the chemicals. Since eveyrtime you do just about anything, the chemicals are altered, ANYTHING that happens is from a chemical imbalance in your brain. So anybody that says it is a chemical imbalance iny your brain (like me for instance) is just using what they have read. Depression can be cured, that is definitely true. How you cure it is different for everybody. Hope you find what you are looking for.

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