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I know what to do, I just can't seem to do it!

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Here is my problem...

I have a boyfriend. He is the sweetest guy... and he is perfect for me. The problem is, there is this other guy that I used to go out with. Me and him used to be best friends, but our breakup was pretty bad. Anyway, he showed up at my house a couple days ago and told me it was all a mistake and that he wanted me back. I told him no way, and he got mad at me and walked off. My problem is, I can't stop thinking about him now. Not in a way that I want to go back out with him, but I am worried about him. I guess my question is what should I tell my boyfriend that happened. I kinda told him a lie... that he had just come over to borrow something. I can't stand the feeling of lieing to him, but if I told him the truth, he would try to beat him up... as idiotic and immature as that sounds. I really don't know what I should do. Unless I just don't tell him that I lied to him.

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If I was in your shoes, I wouldnt tell him.


Look, you have broken up with the ex for a reason! You know why, (nobody else needs to know) You dont have to worry about the ex, he will get over it no matter how bad that sounds..... well obviously there is a reason why you left him, and why you have a new man.


You say that your new guy is perfect for you. Dont tell him. There is no need. If he ever finds out, then tell him, that it didnt touch you that your ex came over, and you didnt want to cause problems and trust issues in your new relationship.


Just remind yourselfs of: a) why you broke up with the other guy and b) why you opened your post with your current partner being perfect for you.


All the best

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I agree. You don't need to tell him about what happened with the ex. As long as you know in your heart, that you didn't do anything that led the ex to believe that you wanted something, then you're okay. As long as you were out and open to the ex, in telling him that you have 'no interest,' then you are okay. Your boyfriend doesn't need to find out. If he does, hell will break loose. There's no use for it now, since your relationship's sailing smoothly.


Don't let the ex 'damage' what you have now. Forget about him. Give him the hand, and let him be. He's just a tick. Your boyfriend might feel a little 'disoriented' if you do tell him. I know that it's a matter of 'trust,' however, certain things don't need to be revealed, not at least for now. Don't rock the boat. Sometimes, not telling is best. You're not lying. You didn't do anything wrong. When people do, do something wrong, mislead intentions, then I think that their partners should know. In that case, if a person finds the need to stray, then that person's not in love with their partner. They should be honest about their mistake.


Your case is different. It is your ex that came back knocking on your door, not you the other way around. So even if your b/f did find out, then there isn't anything to hide. You were being honest all along. It might be tough for him to swallow. So, repeat, once again, just keep it on a down low. At least for now. Maybe you can tell him later, when you guys develop more trust for each other. It's usually fragile in the beginning of a relationship. So it's good to not make waves, I think, because it's not worth the misery. Especially if it's involving 'the Ex.'


Good LucK to Ya!


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I think you should just not tell him. He is great for you, he shouldnt need to know what your ex did. Your ex was an idiot to let you go, and on top of all that other stuff he did, there is no way you should bother with him anymore. (but you already figured that part out)


The less Nick knows about the crap Zack does, the better.





P.S. for anyone other than cottoncandyzsxy who is reading this, if you dont understand what i just said, dont worry about it.

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