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Being myself vs. fake smile


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What is better, while talking/making eye contact with a girl.


1.) Being myself, not smile and being kinda "uninterested" (thats the real me, shy, flegmatic...). People might see this as being unfriendly, arrogant or angry.

2.) Fake smile and acting all flashy.


Had no success with 1.) so far... I dont know, might be just my overall looks? I'v been told i am good looking, cute and all. Not that i believe it, but its not that bad either

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Honestly, I can see right through a fake smile and guys who act all flashy are a major turn off for me...


It all depends on what you're looking for and what kind of woman you're looking for then I guess. But regardless, acting flashy IMO attracts dim-witted chicks, being yourself and genuine attracts cute intelligent women ^_^

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You acknowledge that not smiling can come off as unfriendly, angry and arrogant so don't go with that one.

Why don't you smile? I'm not talking fake, cheesy, for the camera smile...but aren't you genuinely happy to meet new people/see friends/hang out? Smiling is much more natural than fake in my opinion.

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I think it's a little of everything you mentioned, being yourself, keeping eye contact and keeping interest in her is your best move. Dont force a smile if you don't feel it, because you can tell. I think that being shy is where people think your being arrogant, because it happens to me, not because I am shy, but because I am not a sociable person. Why give yourself two options when you can do both?

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Don't fake a smile.

If it's not there and you're not genuine i'm not impressed, therefore turned off.

I can tell when someone is faking a smile, they are usually the first I will not pay attention to. No offense. If you're talking to me and you HAVE to fake a smile, what does that even say about you? I'll assume you're not interested in me at all, period.

Be yourself. I like genuine men.

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Honestly, I can see right through a fake smile and guys who act all flashy are a major turn off for me...


It all depends on what you're looking for and what kind of woman you're looking for then I guess. But regardless, acting flashy IMO attracts dim-witted chicks, being yourself and genuine attracts cute intelligent women ^_^

Really glad to hear this

You acknowledge that not smiling can come off as unfriendly, angry and arrogant so don't go with that one.

Why don't you smile? I'm not talking fake, cheesy, for the camera smile...but aren't you genuinely happy to meet new people/see friends/hang out? Smiling is much more natural than fake in my opinion.

As i mentoined, i am shy and not very good when it comes to talking to girls. I tend to be a bit nervous.. Of course, as i get to know the girl, see how she reacts, I build up little of confidence and see that she reacts fine, i ease up and smile naturally. Its just that first impression, and the way i should approach them.

Do you have a sense of humour?


It's ok to not be Mr.Smiley. But a smile or laugh now or then, genuine, helps us to see that you are a pleasant sort of person to be around and that you enjoy our company.


Then again, some women like the brooding types.

My sense of humour is a bit unusual, so i try to not even go there. I might say what was ment to be funny with stone cold face and they might not even recognize it was a joke.

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