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I'm not sure I want to stop cutting

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I am 16 and I cut. I have tryed to stop. Sometimes I just get so frustrated that I can't stop myself. But I'm not sure that I want to stop. It feels so good. It's just so awesome feeling when the blade pulls accross my skin and releases all that tension. I don't know if I want to give it up, I don't know if I'm ready. Is there anyone who could help me try and break this. I know I should stop even if I'm not ready. But I don't know how.

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well i had a very similar problem.... well the same not similar...

but i started thinking about it and you know it only helps for a little while and then the pain comes back... no matter how many times you cut, its not going to make the real problem go away...

i really wish you would let me talk to you...i'll help you get through it if you will let me.

pm me when you can.

love Qtpie87

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Ok heres the deal.


I do not claim to be an expert in anything cos I am not BUT I dont think it takes an expert to say this.


JUST DONT DO IT, Look what do you gain from cutting yourself up? if you want a rush smoke weed or drop E! If you like playing with blades be a gardner or a chef. You really need to get out more. The world is a very big place there are things round here that would just blow you away you have no comprehension on what your missing, you cant do your 16. If you spend the next few years or wot not of your life cutting yourself you never will do cos chances are you will get bored of the same old buzz (like you do with anything) and want to go a bit further and one day you will go to far.


Sort your head out find direction!

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hey, well i understand where you are coming from- i self harmed during my GSCEs when i was completely overwhelmed with all the pressure and stress. and you are right, it did kinda release me for a little bit, made me feel incontol. so you arent alone at all. my advice is dont rely on it as an escape mechanism, you can get through anything, yourself, mind over matter. you dont need to do it. dont depend on an addiction to the feeling of the blade cutting your skin. there are more satisfying things. you dont need to do it, find another release mechanism. i took up running, and it really did help. most evenings, when i was stressed, id hit the road and give it and my body hell. and it really did work.

you can do it hun, believe in your ability to survive without it- because you can

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find someone you can talk to, having someone to talk to gives the that same feeling of released tension, for me anyway, cutting yourself is really dangerous,Ive only done it once and I had to wear longsleeves forever.And think about it, if you slip up, or just get a little more frustrated BAM! theres your life gone down the drain, you just killed yourself.And you dont even know your problems are solved when your dead because well...your dead.You may even want to talk to a proffessional, hell I dont even cut myself(besides the one time) and I still like to unload on my guidance counselor once in a while

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ok im giving you good advice now. first i dont want to quit either but i have

1)get rip of razors knives lighters if you burn anything you si with

2)find someone to talk to id be more than happy to via pm's or AIM if u have it

3)drink soda coffee anything with caffien it calms your nerves

4)write poetryto write you need to be in touch with what your feeling thats a good thing

5) get a hobby

6)think of everyone who'd miss you if u screw up and die

7)ween yourdelf off it slowly

8)if you must self injure burn its less dangerous and does the same thing

9)it is a hard addiction to kick so dont get upset if you slip


this should help


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Ok heres the deal.


I do not claim to be an expert in anything cos I am not BUT I dont think it takes an expert to say this.


if you want a rush smoke weed or drop E!!


OR you could do like me and try both at the same time!!! that's seriously great advice there. do drugs. wtf?

and round here, if we're talkin bout the same thing, it's called X.


seriously um.... i dunno. don't try drugs they just get you low afterwards and you usually end up cutting. so... i think maybe we do need an expert.

just follow depressedone's advice, i think. don't do the cold turkey method. don't make someone force you to stop cold turkey. i just like saying "cold turkey." cold turkey!

keep your sense of humor

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I'm gonna try the suggestions you made. Even If I'm not sure that I want to quit. I can try to quit against my will. Thank you for your suggestions.

1) I can't really do that. I would have to have my parents help. I cut so I would need to get rid of all the knifes and stuff and my parents would have to help by knowing. And I'm not ready to tell them.

2) I try to talk to my friends but they don't really help. That would be great if you would talk with me.

3) Caffiene, I've got that one down.

4) I'll try the poetry

5) well I do have a hobby, I try and play guitar

6) point

7) Ok

8 ) ok

9) ok

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well i know how you feel. i also think that i should not cut, but i do not want to stop either. its not all the cutting part that i like, its the scars too. i like look down at my arms and see my red-purple scars from when i cut. i like the look of them, not indented, or raised, just red-purple lines. but as for you and you trying to stop, you can. focus on something else, when you think about cutting you want to do it. when you get upset, find another way to cope with it. yes, running is good, screaming reallly loud, etc. but what i do that helps me to relax is either to write down how you feel i write angry poems, also i paint. black and red streaks all over the paper, or whatever. it helps me. try to do something other than cut.

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I thought I should let everyone know how things are coming along. I'm slowly starting to get better. I do have relapses though. This week will be especially hard because I'm involved in a musical and it shows on Wednesday and it's really stressful. I'm starting to feel better. Like my mood, I don't feel quite as depressed as I did. I'm still not happy but I'm not severely depressed like I was. I'm trying so hard not to cut. It's been 38 days since I've cut. It's hard because I want to so badly. I almost did last night. Bottle cap. Still imprints on my arm from where I was pressing. Didn't bleed though. But thank you all for you suggestions, if you have anymore they are welcome.



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I try to talk to people about it but I can't really find anyone who will listen. Teens my own age and a little older are really freaked out by it and I can't seem to trust adults. The adults always seem to just make things worse. For a while a teen was helping me out. A very good friend who just graduated high school, she was still a senior at the time. She helped me a lot and then finally things got too intense for her. And she and I got into a huge fight about it and we haven't really talked since. I also learned that day not to drive while angry like that but thats a different story. My school counselor knows, so does my family doctor. But I can't seem to open up and tell them everything. It seems they don't understand that when I get stressed I need somewhere to put all of that and I have tried numerous things but it never goes away until I pull a razor blade out and slice into my flesh, watching the crimson colored blood curl up from my skin. To me it feels so good. I don't know if I want to give that up. It's like Linus's blanket. To me it means that I'm safe. It makes me feel good, like nothing can hurt me. You know. to cut Gotta go.

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