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Confused...is this the end...or the beginning?

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Heey everybody...


Me and my boyfriend have been going out for almost a month now. For the first week, we were both s0o0o happy together and everyone thought of us as the "perfect, cutest couple ever." Well, he's been acting really strange from the second week on...he's been distant and doesn't come up to say hi, even if were standing near each other. I always have to approach him...call him...try to work things out. He says he needs time, and he says he's trying to be a better boyrfriend and that he cares, and he says he's just shy because im his first girlfriend...but its all meaningless to me now. He's first boyfriend, but I still make an effort to approach him and be there 4 him. So many times...hes told me that he'll be there, but he's never there. He will be there with his arm around me one day, and one day he'll pretend like I'm a nobody. Everyone says i shuld break up with him...even my parents are mad at him. and I kinda am too. 5 months he waited to ask meeh out and now after one month I feel like im wasting my time...like I'm running in circles. But what I'm scared of is I don't want to lose this frienship...he's really a sweet guy...he's jus insecure and under alot of stress at home.


What should I do? Is it time to say...

"Let's just be friends?"

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well.... it looks like u got a shy one on ur hands.... its pretty simple. he is probably really shy seeing ur his 1st. it is different between guys and girls. guys can be all comfiterable one second and the next they are hiding in a corner. girls mostly give it all out from the start and it doesnt stop. this guy could be doing this for attention. or something couldve happened.... a friend ofmine went through this same thing ..... she asked a guy out, he said yes,...they were all happt but one day he came to school and he wasnt talking to her anymore. she tried and tried, but nothing.... finally a few weeks later he finally went up to her an appologized..... after that he was all over her.....


its all in how u look at it.... i can understand y u and ur parents are mad..... he is treating u like trash...u have every mean to be mad....


but there are many possibilities as to why he is acting like this.....he could be craving attention, or some thing happened or he could have even hit puberty..... we dont know....


just give it some time.... but if u just stop liking him then i would try to ease him out of the relationship... that way u could keep friendship going but not be more than just friends.....


i hope that helps you.........

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