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Argh. NC is really hard today.

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I dont know if it is because it is Friday, if it is because I am working today in an old neighborhood we used to frequent, or if it is something else but today, I just woke up with a really unsettled feeling and a pit in my stomach. And it wont go away.


I have gone 6 weeks NC. For some reason, today I am dying to txt or call but just keep repeating the words in my head, "He dumped me, he dumped me,..." Need to stay strong. Argh. I hate how I feel today.

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I dont know if it is because it is Friday, if it is because I am working today in an old neighborhood we used to frequent, or if it is something else but today, I just woke up with a really unsettled feeling and a pit in my stomach. And it wont go away.


I have gone 6 weeks NC. For some reason, today I am dying to txt or call but just keep repeating the words in my head, "He dumped me, he dumped me,..." Need to stay strong. Argh. I hate how I feel today.

i feel the same today, i keep gettin pangs in my tummy, wondering what hes up to, if hes out on a date o wateva.

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i feel the same today, i keep gettin pangs in my tummy, wondering what hes up to, if hes out on a date o wateva.


Yes! I think that is it...I feel like the more time that passes from our breakup the closer he is getting to dating someone else. PUKE. I just cant think like that. Its not about him anymore, its about me. Easier said than done.

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Yes! I think that is it...I feel like the more time that passes from our breakup the closer he is getting to dating someone else. PUKE. I just cant think like that. Its not about him anymore, its about me. Easier said than done.


Try to tell yourself that you'll have good days and bad days, which is perfectly normal. Instead of thinking of him dating someone else, think of yourself moving forward, and finding the right person.

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Been there. As mentioned on this thread you'll have your low days. Device a mechanism to deal with it. What works for me is Caffeine. A trip to the vending machine to get a diet coke really simulates my nervous system and helps me get a grip on myself.


I am 4 months down the break up now and don't need extra trips to vending machine anymore. Good Luck

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I want to e mail him so badly.

I won't though.

I miss him. Whenever we do write each other he's so nice. He tells me loves me. He tells me he misses me. It makes me feel so much better for a while. He's with his ex though. The harsh truth is that even if he does miss me, he doesn't want to be with me.

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I want to e mail him so badly.

I won't though.

I miss him. Whenever we do write each other he's so nice. He tells me loves me. He tells me he misses me. It makes me feel so much better for a while. He's with his ex though. The harsh truth is that even if he does miss me, he doesn't want to be with me.


i can relate to that... although my ex is with a new girl, not his ex. he's really nice to me though so it's hard not to contact him because he makes me feel good when i talk to him... but in the end i feel horrible because i know he's with someone else and not wanting me


today i broke my NC and i REGRET IT!!! anyone know good things to do when you have the urge to text or email your ex?

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I want to e mail him so badly.

I won't though.

I miss him. Whenever we do write each other he's so nice. He tells me loves me. He tells me he misses me. It makes me feel so much better for a while. He's with his ex though. The harsh truth is that even if he does miss me, he doesn't want to be with me.

why does he say he loves you etc...

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I'm having one of those days. And I had to make a uturn so I wouldn't drive by his house today. My friend asked me to pick up her daughter right around the corner from him. And I almost drove by his house, stopped myself last second.

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