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WOW...they really come back when u least expected...

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hey guys and girls...


so here is my story short:


this was my first love...she broke my heart!..

dated one year together another long distance, so 2 years...summer came in the second year, when we were long distance and she broke up with me...she said i dont love you anymore...but in reality there was another guy...well she never admmitted to this. i got mad and we never spolke again until i recontact her once i was back in her country...this must have been a year and a bit later after her and i broke up. she replied but then it all stoppped there (bare in mind she was still with the guy). so i left very far away ..and now that she has sort of broken up this relationship ..or sort of cause she might be back again with this guy...well she contacted me,


basically she is having issues with the guy ( i think) and she recontacts me..


from my side:

well it took me at least or almost a year to get over her. i do stil think of her from time to time but am over her..although she hurt me and then when i contacted her, lots later, she ignored me eventually...


so the question is , what should i do?


1) answer and be polite


2) give her a taste of her own medicine and ignore her


3) confront her how she was never honest with me and that am not interested in being " friends" even though i forgave her but i think its better to leave stuff in the past


4) be friends


the options are not in preferencial order btw , they just came up like that, if you have any other suggestions or have been in similar situations please do adivce cause am really confused about what to do...

i mean am finally really really happy again, my life is great..dunno i felt like i was "really" 100% over her and i am but this might pull me back or i dunno. am not sure what to do , hehe


thanx for your advice!



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haha yeah dude thats the thing..i would feel bad to ignore her...i was after her for so long too. althogh i know i wont get back together...but dunno ignoring her is kinda of harsh...am not good at being bad to ppl...am not just saying that to sound nice girls...butits true i dont like being mean. ive always been taught to tread others the way yo uwould like to be treated...i would like someone to ignore me that is!

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By the way, am a dudette lol I think ignoring her does not make you bad - it is self- preservation. I dont' think you are really over her... come on, be honest. So if you can - ignore her. Forget about being 'not nice'. Be nice to yourself in this case, considering what you went through.


However, if I was in this situation, I would probably not be strong enough and would end up in pain...again.


So, try very hard to stop yourself from getting into a painful situation...

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well i think am over her...cause i dont think i would ever be able to have a relationship with this girl..or kiss her for that matter. she hurt me way too much., but the fact that she is my first love..well that means i will alwyas carry something special for her in my heart...but true i think replying would set me back quite a bit...

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just something along the lines of hey. long time we havent spoken just wanted to know how you were doing. hope things are going well, where do you live now ...that sort of stuff...


does that really matter anyway ? hehe


i think am just gonna ignore her..after all she was a really bad personb to me during and after the break up. and now that her master plan has FAILED, she is opening the door to reconciliation. she is just coming back for the wrong reasons i think...and nothing will come out of it other that setting me back. what do u think ?

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just something along the lines of hey. long time we havent spoken just wanted to know how you were doing. hope things are going well, where do you live now ...that sort of stuff...


does that really matter anyway ? hehe


i think am just gonna ignore her..after all she was a really bad personb to me during and after the break up. and now that her master plan has FAILED, she is opening the door to reconciliation. she is just coming back for the wrong reasons i think...and nothing will come out of it other that setting me back. what do u think ?

You hit the nail on the head.

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true. i know i ll never have a relationship with that girl...the thing is am pondering whether if accepting her in my life as a "friend" could be worth it..after all she was my first love...at the same time i dunno if doing this will open old wounds and then also she am thinking she deserves nothing from me other than being ignored....


its amazing how these things work...if the would of happened a year ago i would have replied straight after..now am pondering whether to even answer that girl , haha..moving on feels great..and i must admit this does give me an ego boost.! sweet karma!

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Let's be real... She dumped you and broke your heart. Even worse, it was for another guy! Forget that! Now she wants something from you? Now she wants to be your friend? HA! She could have had it all but she left you. There are so many other girls out there, she is just one. The best thing about a first love, is that they will always be your first love! Don't ruin the memory of it by taking her back, even as friends. LIFE IS GOOD!!!

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Let's be real... She dumped you and broke your heart. Even worse, it was for another guy! Forget that! Now she wants something from you? Now she wants to be your friend? HA! She could have had it all but she left you. There are so many other girls out there, she is just one. The best thing about a first love, is that they will always be your first love! Don't ruin the memory of it by taking her back, even as friends. LIFE IS GOOD!!!


Yeah true that! havent replied and i have made my decision after talking to freinds and family...am leaving her in my past..i think thats the best thing. plus what you say about the memories is very true...i was starting to see everything as a fond menory of the past, an experience that taught me a lot of things, made me stronger and better prepared for relationships and getting back in contact with her just wouldnt feel right anymore! maybe in 10 years a lil hi wasup hehe but now i dont need her in my life anymore, am very happy the way things are going for me!



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