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2 Months to the day that me and ex split up and I went NC, she breaks NC and says how she is so sorry and how she ruined her life and everything and is having like a break down. She did have a rebound like a week after we split and im guessing there still together but I just figured that I was only a memory to her at this point, why would she just text me randomly.

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If she is still with her rebound then don't respond. If she isn't and wants to reconcile then make sure that is what you really want and that both of you know how to fix what went wrong in the relationship. But guard your heart here - she has alreadu wounded it once.

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Oh dear.....well here's what happened to me.....


My ex announced to me that she had feelings for this new guy. I went NC as best I could...


Then the contacts would come....usually around the every 2 months mark....


I would hear such false hopes building statements such as: "He's just not you. Noone will ever replace you. We dont communicate as well....blah blah blah"


And you want to know where she is now almost a year later? Still with him...


The contact has now ceased as she has finally settled with him and moved on. I am still crying over the loss of our world.....


So anyway, mine got lucky with her rebound situation. Yours may not, but I just thought I'd share my story as a small warning...


Proceed with caution....



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