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Need a man's advice on this... quick question

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Short story...


Broke up 5 weeks ago, he said he needs time and space, have been emailing back and forth daily for the past 2 weeks. Its playful and light but I'm looking for something deeper. Last email was today from him... I'm thinking of not responding anymore (as I have been every time he emails). What kind of message do you think I'll be sending him if I just go NC for a while??


Thanks guys!

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I don't like it when people say 'needs time and space'. Unless that person has life that is causing severe impact on a relationship in a negative way I'd say he's already met someone.


I could be guessing wrong completely but that's how I feel about his excuse. It's probably best you do go NC with him and don't say anything.

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Well yeah, his job was causing him to move away. In fact, when we met last year, he was in the process of sending out applications accross the country. Then we met and started dating and he decided he'd rather stay here and compromise on his work situation. I think he needs to figure all that out before making a real commitment.

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my girlfriend tried pulling the "time and space card" and i said, you leave now, we'll never be anything - ever again. we've dated two years and not once broke up.


i think if you're on a break, it's a way to get away, run while you can. better luck with the next guy.

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Thanks guys - I'm going to pull back and not reply to his latest email. I'm sure he'll wonder after a couple days what's going on, because we've sort of created this patterned routine of the email exchange almost daily.... It's so hard to know where he's at. He keeps bringing up cute little things of our past, places he's been, things he's doing.. But I can't keep torturing myself with trying to make sense of it all. I think it's best if I just give myself some time as well.

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I think very smart for going NC for a while.

He is the one that said I need time and space? So why should you wait for me? Not to say that you shouldnt be nice and cheerful and all, but he should be the one proving to you that he deserves you back.


I also know from experience that guys do this very often with a girl after they break it off with them, so that the break up wouldnt be as painful.


I think you definitley have a chance of getting this guy back if you are still interested in him of course. But for now, focus on YOU (forget him) and let him come back running to you, let him PROVE to you that he deserves you.

You can still answer once in a while, but let it be something like once in a blue moon. Trust me, if you let go of him, he will reconsider getting back together with you. But he CANT MISS YOU if you are always there for him.


I really really hope everything works for the best.


Take care

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Thanks guys - I'm going to pull back and not reply to his latest email. I'm sure he'll wonder after a couple days what's going on, because we've sort of created this patterned routine of the email exchange almost daily.... It's so hard to know where he's at. He keeps bringing up cute little things of our past, places he's been, things he's doing.. But I can't keep torturing myself with trying to make sense of it all. I think it's best if I just give myself some time as well.


I would only respond to meaningful contact. It has to be a phone call, a request to see you, Or it can be an email where he tells you what page you are on (i regret what i did, i was wrong). Don't respond to the jokes or the flirty little notes.

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