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I think my friend likes me but i cant really tell

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I have this friend and since the time that we've know eachother she always seem to hint that she likes me, like she always sitting extremely close to and she always laughs at whatever i say *i know im not that funny*, and me and my others friends have this inside joke about how were all wives and blah blah its stupid anyway my other friend always grabs boob and my other friends always quickly follows her leads and grabs one too but when she does it she looks me directly in the eyes. And she always talking to me when ever i see her and she even go out of her way to find at school. And we talk alot and the whole time she looks me directly in the eyes. And recently says told me she a lesbian. One day during a bus ride to school she told me she liked me, but i couldnt tell if she was kidding are not because she asked me if i would marry her and dump my bf for her. And so now that i broke up with my bf i want to know if she likes me or not.

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Sounds like you should ask her ;] That is, if you're interested too. If not, it's better left alone so as to avoid the whole "do you like me?" // "yeah" // "ok just wanted to know" conversation


If you like her too, make a little move.


Yup, definitely agree here! I couldn't have suggested it better myself. You should clear the air. If she says yeah, and you like her...well, you know where to take it from there. If you don't like her, I wouldn't ask. Unless you think maybe she'd be happier knowing where she stands, even if she's rejected. If you ask her and she says "no" then you could say "Oh, just wondering. You said it jokingly the other day and I wanted to know if you were serious about it" or something like that. Good luck.

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Well I asked first thing in the morning and it turns out she was just trying to force herself into becoming lesbian, to get over her ex. But i told her that's not the right past the take, and that she should let her self heal, and try to find someone new. And not to force herself to like a sex she doesnt. Im slightly dissappointed thought, i find her extremely attractive oh well, lol.

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Has anything happened since then?

I know this may sounds crazy, but it may be mind games.

Has she said or done anything since your last post?


Actually since then she talked to me alot less she pretty much avoid me towards the end of the school year.

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