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If you literally SEE each other, is it still NC?


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I've been NC with my ex for about a month now. We work out at the same gym too, so we're bound to have a few run-ins. Today, I saw her from a distance, and I have no doubt that she also saw me. If you see each other, is it still considered NC? Or does this set me back a month now?

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There are no definitive rules for NC.


A majority of the rules that exists are primarily strong recommendations and suggestions made by individuals since time unwritten I believe.


Hence I guess if you maid passionate love to someone in darkness, not knowing who it was only to discover it was your ex...that could still be considered NC...



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If you didn't speak, or had any other interaction, then no, it should be fine. If you are somehow keeping track of your days of NC, it wouldn't be a bad idea to briefly reflect on the whole seeing her experience. Write down the date you saw her and how you felt then and how you feel now.


There are no definitive rules for NC.


A majority of the rules that exists are primarily strong recommendations and suggestions made by individuals since time unwritten I believe.


Hence I guess if you maid passionate love to someone in darkness, not knowing who it was only to discover it was your ex...that could still be considered NC...




There is A LOT of contact during sex, if you know what I mean.

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