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Your bitter words from this break you flee,

Taking every last bit of energy out of me.


You walk away and leave me to rot,

In the sun my heart is shot.


Ths should be a two way deal,

Not just me loving you trying to heal.


I so much want to say its your loss you will see.

But then comes the fear of you not talking to me.


I sit here patiently waiting for you to say,

I really messed up im sorry are you ok.


But as I wait anger and tears build up,

Overfill the glass of my love struck cup.


I cry and think of you eachday,

You dont think of me I bet not even today.


You said you loved me was that not true,

I can say the sky is purple but really its blue.



Am I just living in some fake dream,

This reality is not what it may seem.


So do I move on and let you go,

They say thats the only way to know.


If you never come back you lied,

Then I will be sorry for all those times I cryed.


So I will just give you the time you need,

No more neutral no more speed.


Look in the mirror and talk to yourself like you do me,

How do you feel about that now do you see?.


When you come back to say I miss you,

Better remember what you did and fix it to.


Quick poem but just wanted to post one tell me what you think thanks

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