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Erotic Photos

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My wife and I are apart at the moment because of work. We will be together again for a short time soon before another 5 mth seperation. I want to take some erotic photos of her before she leaves again but don't know how to approach it...any suggestions?

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Uh you do not want to be doing this..it exploits her and say you two got divorced you could distribute those pics on the net or to your friends and she would be ruined and branded a whore or something like that..Don't do this its not right at all



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Uh you do not want to be doing this..it exploits her and say you two got divorced you could distribute those pics on the net or to your friends and she would be ruined and branded a *beep* or something like that..Don't do this its not right at all




Wow Phil - got a bit of a negative attitude going on there. Erotic pictures are only going to exploit her if she does not want to do it. If she wants to do it, I can see no problem. As has been suggested, look through some magazines together and broach the subject. If she reacts well, go buy a camera!


G xx

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I think that Phil's got a good point, in which he's trying to 'respect' the woman's boundaries on whether or not, the outcome might be appropriate or not. He's pretty mature for his age. I wouldn't have thought about it like that. Come to think about it, it's true. What if something happens if people decide to break-up and a nude picture of the ex pops up on the net. If that were to happen to me, then I'd be ashamed if my uncles/guys cousins saw nude pictures of me on the net. The decisions on whether to do so, should be based on the integrity of 'trust' in the relationship.


I think that Bleeder made a strong point too, about erotica being a sensitive issue. My ex asked me if he could do the same. I didn't allow him to. But, if he wanted professional portraits done, I'd be okay with just headshots, or some body shots, without the nudes.


I agree with Woobiegirl, when she mentions 'creative vibes.' Again, what Bleeder says, sheer cloth, silk...clothes that cover, but leave the viewer's eyes to their imagination, is pretty creative. In that case, then I don't think that would be as bad. It's not showing skin, but at the same time, it's sexy, and gives off that same vibe.


Shooting erotica pictures of your spouse is subjective, and depends on the level of 'comfortness' shared between two partners, and how much trust they have in each other.


Tsar, perhaps the best thing that you can do is ask her straight out. She won't think wrongly of you. My ex asked nicely, and he got his answer. I think that even if he tried to be really subtle about it, then the answer still would've been "no." At least he tried, and when I declined, he didn't pester about it either. But, since you guys are husband and wife, then it really depends on how comfortable she feels.



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A couple of points. Nothing ventured, nothing gained and if you don't ask, you won't know your wifes opinion. If your wife is comfortable with it, then what would be the issue? And there are several good reasons for having them including keeping your interest on her where it belongs. A lot better than surfing porn sites or talking to the cutie next to you. You may want to mention your reasons to your wife. She'll most likely appreciate it if you are trusted and she is the center of your focus.


Trust is a big issue. Things publicly published can't be removed. Reassurance is needed here so make a point of making her comfortable with the security you will be providing. And there are more risks than your having them and publishing them in a divorce. (don't do it, besides the obvious legal issues there is a bigger one here, what kind of person you want to be) You will need to ensure her:


1. that you are a moral person worthy of holding nude, graphic and erotic photos of her that may be incredibly embarrassing at church and passing around at work


2. that you will safeguard them - encrypt, encrypt, encrypt - laptops get stolen and all the files are there for the taking. (I recommend BestCrypt by Jetico software - makes mountable, very secure drives on your pc)


By first reassuring her that you are worthy of her trust, you are past one barrier.


The next issue may be embarrassment. Bringing out playboy may complicate the issue since she may compare herself to the airbrushed models (and they are all airbrushed, I was in that business once). A better idea may be to be make a game of it. Something playful to be remembered between the two of you. If you really want to crack her up, perhaps you could model the poses and positions you want. And go slow, be patient and tolerent of her comfortable level. Don't try for every photo you want at once. People loosen up in time as trust builds.


Another option might be to offer pics of yourself as well. That shows you're willing to accept the same risk and to go though the same experience.


Lastly, you can always suggest in a very casual manner that you would really appreciate it if she uses the self timer and takes a few photos herself. I'm guessing it would be the most comfortable way for her to start assuming she agrees. The pics most likely won't be as detailed but then you could work from there to fine tune the pics, positions, etc...


- my two cents, good luck!

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Do you feel you have communication issues between the two of you? I don't think that this should be too hard to ask. Maybe she'll say no. But it sounds like you might have to work on a more open communcation.


Just a possible observation.

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