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Women want it more then men??????

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It must be a stereotype thing. But throughout my life (and im sure every young guys life) i've heard that men want sex more than women.


As I have grown up a I have found that women want it a good fair amount as well.


However, from looking at this website during the last 2 and a bit months, ive encountered many woman saying that they are struggling to get their partners interested in sex and not the other way round. I've seen many of these posts, and the recent one by "Frustrated", has led me to start this thread.


Now perhaps its because woman feel more secure about asking others for their opinions when there are sexual problems, while us males feel perhaps more embarrassed to ask why?


Personally, every girl I have been with seems as interested in sex as i do.


What are peoples opinions on this? If u have a partner, who intiates sex more often?

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Yeah you know it's odd because I think they want sex just as much as men some times. I mean, I had a girl who wanted it more than me. (She's 20 and so am I.)


However, I dated a girl that was 29 when I was 19 and it was fun... She also wanted sex any time I wanted to. I mean any time I wanted sex I'd only have to ask... Hell sometimes she would reply something like "Oh I thought you'd never ask!"... Didn't matter. I'd wake her up at like 3 in the morning for it I really wanted to.




P.S. Age plays a big part.

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Yeah you know it's odd because I think they want sex just as much as men some times. I mean, I had a girl who wanted it more than me.




lol. Some girl that im seeing sex only sort of relationship, asked me if i wanted to come over for the whole day, saying "all we will do is have sex" . I'd be shattered after the 3rd go

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There are definitely women who enjoy it a lot. Women tend to hit their sexual peak in their mid 30's, more or less. Guys in their late teens, early 20's.


Prostitutes exist because some men either can't find a partner, or find having sex with their wife unexciting.


Hey, if you young guys are finding it tough to keep up in your twenties ... what are you going to do when you hit your forties ?? ;-)


What it all comes down to though, is regardless of an average, who wants more or less, you and your partner need to be sexually compatible, at whatever level that happens to be for the two of you. If you differ, there will be issues at some point over it.

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I believe that for the purpose of procreation, men and women have both been created with equal sex drives.


What separates us for now is Society. The way society inculcates values like women should be seen as secondary players in the fields of sex, and not take the driving seat. Or perhaps a woman talking about sex might make her seem like a nymph or something.


I do respect women who are bold enough to discuss about their sexuality. Perhaps it's time for society to reach an understanding that both, women and men, are all sexual beings in the end.

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True bleeder.


Perhaps its all stereotyped from the start of life. Parents seem to worry about their daughters more than their sons when it comes to sex. I know that if I have children i will be more concerned about my daughter than my son when it comes to sex. Why??? I don't know, i guess its the stereotype again.


As i have got older i think that women would appear to want it nearly as much as men. And i think from research, as i stated above, that women will want it more as they get to their 30's. Im quite looking forward to it


Anymore views?

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  • 1 month later...

well a really good friend of mine is going out with a girl who likes sex as much as him. and he talks bout it ALL the time, he used to say to me "you should try and have it(not wot he actually says but it wont let me put wot he really says) that girl" and points to a fit girl coz he thinks all guys want sex 24/7 like him. but i always say to him "no coz im in love with someone else" and he knows all about that im in love with this girl (whole other story).

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  • 2 weeks later...

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