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Why is it most girls go for the good looking guys

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My biggest issue is that I'm always told I'm a sweet guy and have plenty of female friends, but because of my looks, by the time my personality wins them over, we are such good friends, nothing would happen even if I wanted it to.


Also I'm a computer geek , I'm into anything technical really, like cars and bikes and stuff, but mainly computers and electronics. I build computers as a hobbie, and my dream job is a technician fixing them.


However, for reasons unknown, this also seems to be a major guarantee women wont give me a chance. What is so unappealing about someone who has a good technical mind, should I just become dumb ???? LOL

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I'm Cherokee, black, and Irish.

I really don't know much about my heritage(doesn't usually come up when people are screaming at you), but my dad is mexican and my mom's family name is english in origin.

The thing is, I am only cute if I can provide someone with a favor or something, then mysteriously I am ugly again. Wow, what a surprise. Or I am cute to someone who is far far away from me. Go figure.

So true.

But there are some girls out there who are friendly to you for who you are, and not what they want from you.

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If the girls you are after don't respect the fact that you have some intelligence instead of running around trying to be the bad boy and start trouble then forget them. Not even worth looking at. I have the same problem as you. Most girls that I would not mind dating just stay with me as a friend and then go after these crummy preppy guys or those bad guys. It's all good though, I shouldn't evn have a desire for a girl that confused and neither should you. Keep doing what you do best and that is mess with your technology. You got a good head on your shoulders man, don't let some selfish and confused person get you to change.


And yes, in order to get with most of these girls you are required to have the mental capacity of a broken 10 year old toaster.

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Oh of course, there are quite a few who are nice enough to like you for who you are and not some tool. As for the nice looking guys, even if you are nice, you still have a lower chance of getting a chance with a girl than a bad, self-centered, toaster brained guy. Why? I don't know......but if you want proof, just look around you.


I know this sounds dumb but even though I have been referred to as cute (thought I find myself rather unattractive) I still can't truly get with anyone and mostly for two reasons I have noticed. I'm not bragging but i am somewhat of an intellect (geek, nerd, know-it-all, loser to most of you girls). And the fact I do not look my age most say. I am 20 but have been compared to the appearance of a 14-17 year old. Cute enough to hug or whatever but not cute enough to go out with. Whatever....

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I'm not bragging but i am somewhat of an intellect (geek, nerd, know-it-all, loser to most of you girls). And the fact I do not look my age most say. I am 20 but have been compared to the appearance of a 14-17 year old. Cute enough to hug or whatever but not cute enough to go out with. Whatever....


That's me in a nutshell (Figuratively speaking)

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My biggest issue is that I'm always told I'm a sweet guy and have plenty of female friends, but because of my looks, by the time my personality wins them over, we are such good friends, nothing would happen even if I wanted it to.

I have a similar problem, I'm not physically attractive, but I do have alot of female friends. As soon as you become their friend, you become their friend. And nothing more.

Also I'm a computer geek , I'm into anything technical really, like cars and bikes and stuff, but mainly computers and electronics. I build computers as a hobbie, and my dream job is a technician fixing them.

However, for reasons unknown, this also seems to be a major guarantee women wont give me a chance. What is so unappealing about someone who has a good technical mind, should I just become dumb ???? LOL

I haven't achieved geek status, but I am in to computers and the internet(I have some of my own websotes). This isn't the most attractive quality(unless they think your the next bill gates), becuase I think for the most part girls want guys who are active, outside. They usually percieve geeks as those who stay home all the time.

About the smarts, don't become dumb. We are in the computer age. Maybe one of your friends will have a computer problem, first person she thinks who can fix it is you, and then you two somehow share a moment when you help her firgure out what is wrong with her computer.

Not that likely to happen, but weirder things have.

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WOW, we in the same boat. Amazing. But all I have typed above is how I definitely feel. Like a past poster says, most of these "hot" guys need to stop being full of themselves because they did NOTHING to get those looks. These days, you have to be completely gorgeous and be as dumb as an intoxicated housely to even be considered boyfriend material.


But I do understand there usually have to be some sort of physical attraction but geez, relationships are not based on getting the "hottest" guy.....same goes for guys obsessed with really "hot" girls.

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Maybe one of your friends will have a computer problem, first person she thinks who can fix it is you, and then you two somehow share a moment when you help her firgure out what is wrong with her computer.

Not that likely to happen, but weirder things have.


What is more likely to happen is she will use you for that one time (and maybe be nice) then go about her way and forget about you. You have just become her new Mr. Fix-My-Computer. You are just a friend, or not even that, just the "Computer Guy". And nothing more....


Although the VERY RARE situation where you and her share a wonderful moment can happen but like you said, it is highly unlikely.

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I'm not bragging but i am somewhat of an intellect (geek, nerd, know-it-all, loser to most of you girls). And the fact I do not look my age most say. I am 20 but have been compared to the appearance of a 14-17 year old. Cute enough to hug or whatever but not cute enough to go out with. Whatever....

Well I wouldn't call myself an "intellect", but I am one of those people who other percieve to be smart. I wouldn't call it an unattractive quality though, girls don't cosnider me a loser cause I'm smart.

But then again I goto a magnet high school(magnet in that it specialize in certain areas, in my case science and math), so the atmosphere is different. We still have the dumb people and the smart people, the athletic people, the non-atheltic people, ect etc...just being smart is not looked down upon here. Hell the smartest girl in our class is practically the hottess one as well(and no i'm talking relatively, there are strangely alot of hot girls in our school for a school where you have to be smart to be in.) But then she's been going out with a guy who isn't all that bright, one of those good-looking guys. But's he's not a jerk/bad guy.

And I'm kinda been the opposite. I'm almost 17 but look older.

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Amazing....I'd probably get somewhat lucky in an environment like that. But no one should base an attraction on just one aspect, looks, intelligence, attitude, etc. There should be a balance so you can get the best of all worlds. Kinda good that the guy isn't a bad guy but if he is as dumb as a doorknob, fear for your safety. LOL

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I wish I was in an evironment like that. As for staying inside etc. this stereotype annoys the crap outta me, LOL. I like riding, I race BMX, I'm also into cars and I like just getting out. but as I said, byt the time most female figure all this out it's too late. I'm their friend, LOL

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Yes, huge stereotype. I don't think all "hot" guys (by female opinion of course) are bad guys. I got plenty of people I know that are referred to as hot but are good people. I get out as well although I like being alone. Sadly that is a stereotype that is here to stay.

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I wish I was in an evironment like that.

You'd think by 2 years of high school, (and 2 years of middle school, which had alot of good looking girls, but also alot of dumb guys, and they usually came together. None of those middle school relationships lasted longer than a few months), I'd be used to an environment like this, but I'm not.

At first all it did was give me a mindset of "these girls are too good-looking, they would never want to go out wiht me", which actually made it easier to talk to them and get to know them.

But then this whole year was like "maybe she's interested", and really just messing with my head. When I got to know these "beautiful girls", I got to know who they are, which is bad/good becuase most of them turned out to be like the good-llooking girl with the great pesonailty.

I actually found it hard to talk to some people(girls), which is unusal because I can usually talk to anyone(and anyone can usually talk to me).

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The reason that girls go for the best looking guys is the same reason a person might look for the best looking appliance, tool or other item in a store. Or we can even use a car as an example. It's like shopping, pretty much. As much as I hate to say it, we're drawn to what looks good because it makes us think that it contains more value. And as other people have said in this entry, girls pick the best looking guys (just as guys do with girls) because they want to "show off the merchandise" to other people and exhibit their partners to show off. I'm not saying this is always the case with all girls, but many times, it is.

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Good analogy about the appliances and cars. But here's a better one...just as the cars and fridges and microwaves are used, so are we. A good "working" person (what I mean is nice, gentle, compassionate) is used until they find someone that LOOKS good. Much like a rather okay looking but good working car (like a 98' Honda Accord) being traded for a awesome looking car (like a Ferrari). Hate to say it but if you don't have money, an awesome car, or looks then you are pretty much washed up (I'm so washed up, I'm bleached.....LOL). Very rarely will someone take something obsolete.

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dude, its simple. the same reason you get a hard on when you see a hot girl. haha. its human nature. i think that you just want the girls to get to know you first then thell see your true side or something. well i dont know. i just know that thats human nature. but once they get past that it would i guess go smooth. anyway though, this is coming from a 15 year old so like. im just like another opinion n stuff.

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you're 17, most of the girls who've replied are 15ish. At this age looks are definitely the major deciding factor, because the girls your ages haven't matured as people, they're just going around looking for the best looking boys they can find. Throughout my whole time in high school not one girl would look at me twice. But after about 19 girls mature, and confidence eventually will become the overriding factor. By about 23 confidence will have just about replaced looks, and a confident guy will be just as attractive as a good looking guy.


Guys on the other hand never mature in this way.

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Well, why is it guys only go for the good-looking girls?

There is an obese, flat-chested, boring as hell girl in your maths class. She's geeky, she has braces, buck-teeth, needs to pluck her eyebrows and go on a diet seriously. Maybe shave her legs, or stop wearing mini-skirts which show off her rolls of cellulite. But she's smart. She'll probably become the next einstein or something.


Why don't the guys like her? Why do they only like the dumb blonde bimbo with big tits who flirts outrageously and giggles at every stupid joke you say, no matter how stupid it is?


Answer that question for me.


Then, change the 'she's to 'he's and you have your answer. Ta-da.


EDIT: Sorry, I just realised how harsh that was.

But, really. I am so sick of all these posts, where its all these guys going "why do girls always fall for the wrong type of guy?!"

I find it amusing that none of the guys stop to think that they might be the ones falling for the wrong type of girl. =P

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Well actually, what you mentioned above, remove the boring part and they might have a chance, no one is gonna want to go with anyone who is no fun to be around. For the record, my last g/f who loved more than anything, was overweight, flatchested and had braces. However, she wasn't boring and she was a great person to be around.


The comment about guys never maturing in this way, is funny on a sarcastic level but on a more serious level isn't completely true.

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first of all--a better question would be why do PEOPLE go for good looks. its not only girls that are initially attracted to more attractive people. guys are probably even more critical, maybe because there is so much more to critique unfortunately. and as someone brought up, humans have been "programmed" to look for mates that are healthy and will be able to give them good offspring. in the females case, good genes, and the males, a female who will be able to carry the child and keep it healthy. and good looks are often associated with health. for example, you know a girls "hour glass figure" is actually about hips that will be able to handle a child, so thats why men find that attractive. and clear skin, clear eyes, good hair etc is a sign of your health. now we know that there are exceptions, but this is how humans are suppose to be able to know if the person is a good choice for mating with.


and over the years, what is and is not attractive has changed. and personal preference has a role to play. so yes, i admit that as a teenage girl, the cuteness of a guy is probably very important in the very beginning if im looking for a bf or not JUST A FRIEND. the difference between my male friends and my bf is probably that sexual attraction. i mean my bf is my "friend" too, someone i trust and has qualities that are amazing, just like my other friends, but hes hot too lol.

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Well, why is it guys only go for the good-looking girls?

There is an obese, flat-chested, boring as hell girl in your maths class. She's geeky, she has braces, buck-teeth, needs to pluck her eyebrows and go on a diet seriously. Maybe shave her legs, or stop wearing mini-skirts which show off her rolls of cellulite. But she's smart. She'll probably become the next einstein or something.


Why don't the guys like her? Why do they only like the dumb blonde bimbo with big tits who flirts outrageously and giggles at every stupid joke you say, no matter how stupid it is?


Answer that question for me.


Back to the original question, why do girls only go for the good looking guys? There is a skinny, bony, chatterbox-type guy in your science class. He's nerdy, has a scrawny neck, a serious underbite, a huge Adam's Apple, no muscles whatsoever, and really needs to eat. He gets picked on all the time and is seen as an outsider. yet this guy cares about everyone around him despite all this and would not hesistate to help you if you were failing microbiology. Could be the next Louis Pasteur. (invented the vaccine)


Why don't the girls like him? Why do they only go after the hot, preppy, football player with the big muscles, and slick back hair who says anything just to get in your pants by playing Mr. Nice Guy and you believe anything he says?


Answer that for me.


I am just sick of the posts (and what they say in real life) about how us guys ALWAYS go for hot girls. In fact, I seen even the once stuck-up guys go out with a not-so-attractive woman and actually fall in love with them and don't play them at all. But there must be some sort of physical attraction or you won't really enjoy your partner. NO ONE should base a relationship on looks alone. It is just plain shallow. If you not going to like someone for their looks, AT LEAST respect them. Frankly, even though I think more-so of girls...PEOPLE in general are very shallow and sadly there is nothing we can do about it. I don't have the time at this moment but I will go into detail how my past girls looked (mostly their flaws) and show some of the skeptics (yes I am one too that NOT ALL guys go for hot girls. And I think it be fair to prove the skeptical guys wrong (like myself) by having some of the girls describe the physical faults of their past boyfriends. I don't want this post to become a war of sexes.

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Hey man I just tell it how it is. This is how i feel. I am not trying to start a pity party or anything. I call it how i see it as I have said before. And i hope no one thinks I am being an a_h0le or anything like that. i just don't like to hide the truth when it comes to things like this. I am trying to put some logic into these conversations. Everyone here who posts has a purpose and that is mine.

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