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Why is it most girls go for the good looking guys

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Everyone's version of what's hott is different. It's a matter of opinion! There are a ton of girls who think Usher is hott, and yes, he is good looking... but I think there are plenty of guys who are hotter than he is!


Yes, this is true. Beauty is very much in the eye of the beholder. However, beauty also appeals to the masses. That's to say that what most people find good looking, most others will feel the same way. Take Brad Pitt for example, some women may feel that he is the hottest guy around, and others may say that there are better looking guys out there. But one thing is for sure, no girl will say that he is unattractive or repulsive.

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Everyone's version of what's hott is different. It's a matter of opinion! There are a ton of girls who think Usher is hott, and yes, he is good looking... but I think there are plenty of guys who are hotter than he is!


Yes, this is true. Beauty is very much in the eye of the beholder. However, beauty also appeals to the masses. That's to say that what most people find good looking, most others will feel the same way. Take Brad Pitt for example, some women may feel that he is the hottest guy around, and others may say that there are better looking guys out there. But one thing is for sure, no girl will say that he is unattractive or repulsive.


well i know a few girls who think he's average, and one who thinks that he's ugly, but yeah, the majority do agree.


here's something i read about attraction once that some people might find interesting: people are attracted to people who have similar features to them (mainly face shape). nobody knows exactly why, but it'd probably be because we inherit looks from our parents, and since our parents were most likely attracted to each other (attracted enough to have us), we inherit genes that make us attracted to those features that our parents were attracted to (ie, features of the opposite parent). since we genetically inherit the attraction and the things we find attractive from our parents, we'll be quite attracted to somebody who looks more like us.

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Just to respond to the post that most women will only go after hot guys, I think that a lot less women are as shallow as a lot of guys seem to believe. Honestly, attractive people attract attention, and sure, they're easy to look at. Girls will always look at a good looking guy, & vice versa. It's human nature. However, as for relationships & lasting attraction, intelligence & personality is much more of a factor than looks. Personally, I never find myself having lasting thoughts about someone who looks like they could be in a magazine, especially if all they have going for them is looks, but for guys that can actually have an intelligent conversation and have personality.


As a lot of people have said, of course there has to be attraction, but that doesn't mean girls are only attracted to a certain type of guy. Looking at some of the guys my friends have gone out/ been interested in, and the ones that I've been attracted to, there are so many different types, and 90% were not generically 'hot'. I've also heard from somewhere that people are attracted to people who look similar to them in some way, although I didn't know why that was. Comfort, maybe? Anyway, I'm pretty sure I posted something like this before, but I think it needed to be said again, for those still thinking everyone is totally superficial . . .

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Last night, me and a bunch of my friends were having a little girly session (hehe) and anyway, we've all confessed to liking someone who isn't exactly the hottest guy around. Does that change the fact we like them though? No!


I've found all the really hot guys seem to be up themselves. Take "Harry" and "Bob", these two guys I know. At first, I really liked Harry, but Harry's one of those hot popular guys though, who must think the sun shines out of his ass or something, because he is SO up himself.


Then there's Bob. I've always sort of liked Bob and though I know he isn't the hottest guy in the world, he's got this really nice personality that I really admire in him. Just little things, like how this little kid hurt himself during lunch one time, and Bob went and carried him down to the sick bay, and this one time these two guys were fighting, and Guy1 was getting beaten up pretty badly -- while everyone sort of just stood there and watched blankly, Bob went and pulled Guy2 off Guy1 before he killed him or something. (Guy1 was looking pretty bad by the time the teachers came.) I thought that was a really nice thing for Bob to do.


I also know a girl who is seriously like, the prettiest girl I know, and she likes the most DISGUSTING guys... this one guy she liked was like, ultra-hippie: he wore his long blonde hair that went down to his knees in pig-tail-plaits, wore pink t-shirts with flowers on it.. (and this is a guy we're talking about here!!) and was like.. ugh! But this girl I knew, who was probably going to grow up to be like, a supermodel or something, liked that guy. Seriously.


So no, all girls dont *only* like hot guys.

.. And if it makes you feel better, Orlando Bloom was a real geek back in highschool, but now he's like.. phroar ;DDD

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Sorry to post again, but:


People are attracted to people who have similar features to them (mainly face shape). nobody knows exactly why, but it'd probably be because we inherit looks from our parents, and since our parents were most likely attracted to each other (attracted enough to have us), we inherit genes that make us attracted to those features that our parents were attracted to (ie, features of the opposite parent). since we genetically inherit the attraction and the things we find attractive from our parents, we'll be quite attracted to somebody who looks more like us.


I just read that. Come to think of it, thats true! Most of the guys i've liked have had sort of round-ish faces and curly/wavy hair. LoL

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i hate to repeat what so many have said before, but attraction is key in any relationship


lets face it, noone is willing to go and LOOK specifically for an ugly person. i mean, would you, if you had a choice of having sex with ANYONE int he WHOLE WORLD, pick the ugliest person you can find?


the thing is, you have to be attracted in some way - weather it be looks, personality, intelligence, bank account, social status, or whatever - to have an inital catylyst for any relationship to work. i KNOW some girls are gonna reply and say otherwise, but most often then not - more like 95% of the time, actually - looks are one of the first things considered. other things count, yes, but you have to be attracted somehow to the person of the opposite sex - or the same sex, even - for anything to begin.


looks is like the preliminary checklist, if you will.


i mean its not like you are going to go out of your way and date the ugliest girl you can find. rather, its more like the exact opposite... human nature, as i see it...

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gets ignored by girls because of his looks..not because he's funny, lives an interesting life, dresses nice, or he's educated


sometimes when I talk to girls, I let them know the kinds of interesting, cool things that I'm doing..whether it's poetry or participating in a play or creating a website for a musician. And the phone conversations aren't one-sided, they rarely lack of humor, (which is important) and in general we share some cool information about each other.


However, once we go out or meet a couple of times at a mutual place like a college club, classroom, or even a cafe, the whole mood changes. She becomes standoffish, bored, even a little cold..but in general she acts like she doesn't show any interest. This has happened before, and I'm wondering if LOOKS have anything to do with this. Because now it's a situation where whatever I say or do is taken for a grain of salt. Why do women drop their interest in continuing to talk to guys once they see who they really are?

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Ya i personally think it is persoanl taste because there r times where i think a certain girl is beautiful.And other people such a smy friends think that she is not all that good looking so maybe its just their opinion or maye them being shallow

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Sometimes the good looking people -- guys or gals -- are also the most confident, and that's what people like. They're confident because throughout their whole lives, people have responded positively to them. They look good, and people like that.


Plus, good looking people have lots more opportunities to develop their social skills than uglier people. I mean, really. People come up to them, or strike up a conversation with them, or invite them to do stuff because they seem nice (or desirable).


Maybe that makes life unfair, but I think it's the way human nature is.


Plus, people really are shallow to some degree. We all like to look at something or someone who's beautiful, don't we?

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Sometimes the good looking people -- guys or gals -- are also the most confident, and that's what people like. They're confident because throughout their whole lives, people have responded positively to them. They look good, and people like that.


Plus, good looking people have lots more opportunities to develop their social skills than uglier people. I mean, really. People come up to them, or strike up a conversation with them, or invite them to do stuff because they seem nice (or desirable).


Everything said above hits home. People who have been good looking all their life have a shitload of confidence and social skills, because they've had so much practice. If you look around hard, you'll notice that those who are good looking (as in *really* good looking) yet the nice shy type are usually those who only became good looking later on...such as in high school. And those confident social qualities are what girls really dig in a guy.


And yes, it's very superficial. We're human beings driven by attraction in the very beginning. We can't help it. Honestly, let's say I let you choose between a hot girl and an ugly girl. Of course you'd take the hot one. (let's say that they are exactly the same in personality and stuff except for their looks)




Looks are the first factor in attraction. Personality is the second. (Okay, some say money, but that's usually when you're older and looking to settle down) As long as you're not horrendously ugly that a girl has to put a paper bag over your face to talk to you (which I'm guessing most likely is NOT the case if your personality really shines, that makes a world of a difference. A lot of guys I find attractive aren't always the best looking, but their personality makes them so hot. Be confident. Even if you're not, think "I am hot" (but not in a cocky way, because then no one will like you). Your confidence shows. Yes, this is clique corny advice, but it's so true. And remember, the hot guy may get the flings, but the one with the awesome personality gets the long lasting girlfriend.


Unless all you want is sex. Which I hope isn't the case.

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I personally think those r harsh things to jk around about because these people did not want to to be UGLY they were born with it.U did not achieve ur fricken looks by your own factors god blessed you with those good looks and cherish ur damn quality.I personally am starting to believe im probably ugly and i think why, why me?Why does god have to make some of us ugly I HATE It it hurts me so just to think about it.As for those people with good looks like the popular girls/guys and stuff dont think ur something special because U DID NOTHING FOR THOSE LOOKS,nothing at all U WERE BORN WITH THEM.Life has been starting to piss me off.As my friend says things putting down other people for not having a gf.I feel like telling him its harder for some of us because we r not blessed with the better looks he is blessed with.As for good looking people who r nice,cherish ur looks and live a great life to the fullest because i wish i was in your shoes.Make the less good looking feel liek soemthing special by not putting them down or anything just giving them some confidence booster to make them feel better.As for me i have never had that.All i have ever had is having girls putting me down for looks and other guys calling me a ugly loser for not having a gf.

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Yes some girls are too picky as are guys but here is my take on it. My last man I went for BECAUSE of his looks so this time I set out to find a "NICE GUY" He totally was not my "type" for lack of a better word but you see I had decided not to be deceived by looks again.


Well he turned out to be a real jerk (see my post) This time I will find a nice guy in an attrative package too. NOW, no-one can help their genitic looks without surgery, BUT what sells is packaging. That's right from Popcorn to people! I know when I look "marketable" lets say and when maybe I gained some weight and am not so marketable" anyway, what is important and let's look at say, CLAY AIKEN who was a preverbial dork.


What's important is confidence, and get a good haircut, take really good care of yourself hygene wise and your teeth, that is very important! Dress nice, be nice and hold your chin up! You don't want someone really shallow anyway!

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Looks are the first factor in attraction. Personality is the second. (Okay, some say money, but that's usually when you're older and looking to settle down) As long as you're not horrendously ugly that a girl has to put a paper bag over your face to talk to you (which I'm guessing most likely is NOT the case if your personality really shines, that makes a world of a difference....


I CALL BS. In most cases 99.9% of the popluation (both men/women) can't get past the physical factor so if you're unattractive like me then you basically have little to no chance. Can't advance past 1st base when the rest of the base line is unsightly.


...these people did not want to to be UGLY they were born with it.U did not achieve ur fricken looks by your own factors god blessed you with those good looks and cherish ur damn quality.I personally am starting to believe im probably ugly and i think why, why me?Why does god have to make some of us ugly I HATE It it hurts me so just to think about it.As for those people with good looks like the popular girls/guys and stuff dont think ur something special because U DID NOTHING FOR THOSE LOOKS,nothing at all U WERE BORN WITH THEM.Life has been starting to piss me off.As my friend says things putting down other people for not having a gf.I feel like telling him its harder for some of us because we r not blessed with the better looks he is blessed with.


I feel ya Shinboe. I feel I've either been b* slapped by God or whoever you choose to worship or either just super damn unlucky with genetics. Now don't get me wrong my dad was a mack in the day but for some reason those genes didn't filter down to me lol. Those who are good looking naturally are lucky SOB's and best be thankful they look the way they do. If they had to live 5min in my shoes they'd appreciate their good looks even more ya know?


Oh well I've started to turn to alcohol full time now and hey it's a good substitute on those bored nites. What better to do than come home from work and throw back a few and feel good (along to some good music on the PC). Not like I can't afford now with my new job and hey getting buzzed and in an altered mine state is a good escape tatic. I suggest others try it to if you're looking for something to do and other attempts at hobbies have failed.

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I feel for Shinobi as well. You so called stuck-up "hot" guys did absouletly NOTHING to get those looks so quit going around and making the rest of us look like idiots while you break all those girls' hearts turning them into "idiot lovers" or "man haters" because you are making the GOOD GUYS and less attractive guys' job alot harder than it should be. Now I will be the first to admit I want an attractive girl but I go from OKAY to SUPER HOT girls. I'm not very picky about looks. It is a shame that so many females and horny guys are. It makes me sick.


I CALL BS. In most cases 99.9% of the popluation (both men/women) can't get past the physical factor so if you're unattractive like me then you basically have little to no chance. Can't advance past 1st base when the rest of the base line is unsightly.


I couldn't have said it better. Alot of YOUNG females will NEVER look for personality if you look like something from a grade B horror flick. Once you are ugly to them, it's over! Game over! Turn off the console and go find something better to do......Us ugly or okay looking guys mean nothing until later on when the girl experiences alot of hurt. But even then, we are just expendible......

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I CALL BS. In most cases 99.9% of the popluation (both men/women) can't get past the physical factor so if you're unattractive like me then you basically have little to no chance. Can't advance past 1st base when the rest of the base line is unsightly.


I guess this means that in 5yrs I'll be selling all my possessions and moving to Tibet to become a monk. If I cant play, I figure I might as well just take myself out of the game.

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Shoot, I'm not even looking for a girl. If they want a nice normal guy they can come find me and I'll take them in my arms. All those shallow females need to leave me alone. I don't like girls who just love me becasue they THINK I am cute. But I am anything but attractive as you can see by the avatar. And I don't care. i am proud of what i look like and if someone got a problem about how I look then THAT IS TOO BAD! I was born this way and I don't need to change for ANYONE. If they cannot accept the fact that you are not as physically attractive as they want you to be and do not respect you.....forget them. WHO NEEDS THEM??? I'm just going to sit by and watch as these preppy pretty boys rip their hearts apart and maintain a straight face through it all and live my life. You "hot" guys can have the shallow women. Agent47, I don't blame you. I had too many GAME OVERS and I put down the controller and moved on. Might as well be a Tibetian monk in this world....

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I think most people end up dating someone of their equal attractiveness.. for instance, you always see a beautiful guy with a beautiful woman (the exception being trophy wives, but then their husband has a lot of money or power, that being the balancing factor in the materialistic part of the relationship). I'm sure you will find someone even if you are "ugly." Besides, everyone gets old, ugly, and wrinkled eventually! Looks are only temporary, it is the personality that matters in the long run.


At first glance, it is looks that attract me to a guy. Also, if a guy is not too handsome but is a great dresser, that makes him more attractive. Moreover, personality will attract me to a guy; it just takes longer to kick in!


I have been going out with my boyfriend for four months and it was a combination of his looks and personality that won me over.. but after a week of talking to him in class.. I realized what an awesome guy he was (looks not even being a factor) and realized I was crazy about him!

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I take after my families british genes and ive always heard about the british being bad looking so im not putting my british mug on here =/.Iono if its true but ive always heard a lot of things putting down the british.I have the famous teeth in these genes that r kind crooked(forgot how to speel that iono why)the weird ass mop top beetle hair,pretty big nose with a huge bridge, and the tall lankiness of being 6 ft and 130 pounds with no muscles at all.I consist of many of their characteristics but i am damn proud of my british background because the consist oif brave people who always fought for the land even if they were ruthless savages at one time.

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Ya imma mut but i take after my familes british genes am like 1/4 british,1/4 irish,1/8 spanish(spaniard not mexican),have some scotish in me too,and i dont know what 35 percent of myself is.All i know is that i definitely take after many of the british characteristics and i go by that heritage the msot because my dad is from there and my looks =/.

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i agree with most everyone here, dating at this age requires some attraction, but i know many girls that are in my class that are very beautiful but i would never even consider dating them, they just dont have a personality i like. i tend to like less attractive girls with a lower social status because they tend to be more kind and have better personalities. but i believe that later on in life looks play less of a part in love and stuff like that.

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I think ppl are being harsh to girls in this thread. Yes i believe that woman have a habit of going out with the idiot bad boys, and that really annoys me, but in terms of this looks thing, us guys are just as bad. Most guys here would like to get the pretty girls, and ignore some of the not so pretty girls. Think some of us are being very hippocritical here. In fact, i think i see more good looking woman going out with not so attractive men, then good looking men going out with not so good looking women. But money might b an issue, im not sure

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Ya imma mut but i take after my familes british genes am like 1/4 british,1/4 irish,1/8 spanish(spaniard not mexican),have some scotish in me too,and i dont know what 35 percent of myself is.All i know is that i definitely take after many of the british characteristics and i go by that heritage the msot because my dad is from there and my looks =/.


Scotland is in Britain.

People are good looking or ugly the world over IMO, no matter what your heritage is. I know loads of good looking English people.

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