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Is it me, or does this assignment for one of my classes seem like a bit much?


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The one online class I'm taking is basically just kind of a fun little blow-off class I took because I needed the college credit; it's basically a class about the history of rock music (which I very much enjoy). For part of our final assignment due in May, though, we have to interview (in person, not over the phone, or online) a few bands and write papers on them. Now, is it me, or does that seem like something that's not really that feasible? I mean, it's not like I can just write to, I dunno, Metallica, for instance, and say "Hey, can I get an interview with you?". No band is going to do that for a total nobody college kid...


I'm sure after shows, some bands will have a bit of interaction with their fans, but we have about a list of 20-30 questions, and we have to get answers for at least about half of them, for each band. So even if I go to a show and get to talk to them a little bit, I'm not going to have time to rattle off 20 questions and get answers to all of them. Plus, it's not like I know anyone in the "music business", nor do I even have any "friend of a friend" kind of connections with anyone that plays in a band, so I'm out of luck that way, too.


Oddly enough, it doesn't seem like anyone else in the class is having trouble with this kind of assignment. Is it just me? Am I underestimating how easy it really is to get personal interviews with bands? I mean, I'm sure I'll figure something out one way or another, but I'm kind of sitting here, scratching my head on how to peg down three bands (not one, but three) to give me personal interviews. The instructor has implied that he's had the chance to sit down with two (pretty famous) musicians for interviews, but I just don't see how that's possible for some random college kid to do, yanno? Am I crazy, here?

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i don't think he's expecting you to talk to the members of metallica. i would find out through friends of friends, ask them if they know anyone in a band. then try to get that person's number, ask them for an interview (it helps if you offer to buy them dinner or a beer during the interview). Also, maybe on here you could find someone, and you can do a phone interview with them? i think even if it's a small local band, that's fine.

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Does it have to be a well-known band for this assignment, or are you assuming it does? I'm sure there are bands taht play at local venues or bars in your area that would be willing to speak with you and answer your questions.

I would verify what exactly your instructor is looking for. I can't imagine it would be very easy to pin down a superstar band for 20 questions. But a local band, on the other hand, would probably be very willing to help you out.

Good luck!

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I'm a member of the local dance community and am friends with a lot of dancers, and a lot of musicians hang out with us as well. pretty often on facebook i get emails from people telling me to go see this band or that band, or they are in a band and playing here.... so, i think a bit of word of mouth, i can't imagine it would be too difficult to talk to them. facebook is good that way.

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If there is a local band that is not famous- I'm sure they would jump at the opportunity to be interviewed and enjoy the attention. I don't think your professor expects you to be able to contact and arrange interviews with celebrities and well-known bands. I think you are likely misunderstanding the nature of the assignment.


Your instructor probably just mentioned that he interviewed famous people because he is passionate about the topic and wants to brag a little. I don't think anyone reasonable would expect college students to get the same opportunity. I'm sure a local band that plays in a dive bar, coffee shop, or other small venue will work just fine for the purposes of the assignment.

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Well, no, it doesn't have to be a "famous" band, but even still, I've had a lot of trouble even getting a hold of smaller, not-so-famous bands. My last ditch effort is that there's a forum I visit frequently where some smaller bands (that I like) have members that post there. I'm trying to maybe get in touch with them to cover the interview portion, even if it's technically "cheating" (because the instructor said these interviews MUST be done face-to-face).

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My last ditch effort is that there's a forum I visit frequently where some smaller bands (that I like) have members that post there. I'm trying to maybe get in touch with them to cover the interview portion, even if it's technically "cheating" (because the instructor said these interviews MUST be done face-to-face).


Well you know....... you have to do what you have to do. I'd be lying if I said I never fudged an assignment as an undergraduate. 8-[

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Aren't you on a college campus? Can't you interview some of the bands that have been formed by students on campus? Just thinking, of my friends, at least a dozen are in a band that they have formed with friends or other musicians on campus. They're definitely not famous and most often not known off-campus, but they're still a band, you know?

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