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What defines a bad boy?


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Uh oh. Haha. That's El Greco.


Stop being an ENA bad boy, Creative.


Actually I was focusing on bin laden. Surprised you know the other guy's name.


oh c'mon, me? Let me completely destroy that image of mine by telling you I'm very involved with the Red Cross in my daily life. Goody goody organization.

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I would say that I am probably a real one -- not in the cliche sense where I walk around like a toolbox or some bad ass, though. I do not care what most people think or have to say about me. I do not care how I am viewed in terms of status. I do not care about the "hot girl" that walks around like she owns the place while every other dudes' jaw drops. You can come and walk into my life as you please and I will not hold you responsible or care if you choose to bail on me at anytime. I do not need you, you have nothing to apologize for, and you can stay or you can go. I will not miss you. I do what I feel like doing. I don't fake anything. Just don't mess with me or we will have problems because I do not care what happens to me, and with that comes a lot of leverage.


For me, it has nothing to do with the girls draped around you as you put on your modern day Fonzi facade. That is a pseudo bad boy with a heart of mush trying to impress some girl.

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oh c'mon, me? Let me completely destroy that image of mine by telling you I'm very involved with the Red Cross in my daily life. Goody goody organization.


Oh, trust me, I know a couple of bad boys of superior caliber in the Red Cross, or similar fields.


They are among those rare ones I'm talking about. Bad and pure gold.


The Fonzi thing, PTH, is not so much pseudo but a "brand" -- the type that needs his ego stroked and is a womanizer in the process. Womanizing being part of a true bad boy behavior style.


You're more the loner, don't-give-a-s brand in that regard.

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Oh, trust me, I know a couple of bad boys of superior caliber in the Red Cross, or similar fields.


They are among those rare ones I'm talking about. Bad and pure gold.


The Fonzi thing, PTH, is not so much pseudo but a "brand" -- the type that needs his ego stroked and is a womanizer in the process. Womanizing being part of a true bad boy behavior style.


You're more the loner, don't-give-a-s brand in that regard.


Geez, I don't even know how to respond now.


I guess if you can use the word caliber, you're working towards it yourself.


Lets keep up the good work then.

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Geez, I don't even know how to respond now.


I guess if you can use the word caliber, you're working towards it yourself.


Lets keep up the good work then.


Yes, but keep thinking outside the box, while doing so.


I don't make it a mission to piss people off, but sometimes it's okay to piss off the right (i.e., wrong) people.


Being a bad boy/girl means taking those chances, when called for.

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I do know what you see. You don't have to describe anymore. But I don't identify myself with the term by what it connotates.

I don't really see myself as 'bad boy' because I've seen some pretty shady guys being called the same thing. I don't hang with, or associate myself with them.

I understand what values you have though. So do expand on it in your daily life.


Yes, but keep thinking outside the box, while doing so.


I don't make it a mission to piss people off, but sometimes it's okay to piss off the right (i.e., wrong) people.


Being a bad boy/girl means taking those chances, when called for.

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Okay, so once again it seems a woman's definition of a bad boy is different to a mans. Basically I thought a bad boy was someone who sees women as nothing more then sex objects and engages in criminal activity.

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I do know what you see. You don't have to describe anymore. But I don't identify myself with the term by what it connotates.

I don't really see myself as 'bad boy' because I've seen some pretty shady guys being called the same thing. I don't hang with, or associate myself with them.

I understand what values you have though. So do expand on it in your daily life. Will do. =)


Okay, so once again it seems a woman's definition of a bad boy is different to a mans. Basically I thought a bad boy was someone who sees women as nothing more then sex objects and engages in criminal activity.


I'm saying the label "bad boy" can have several different connotations. He can be a shady, sleazy, womanizing, quasi-criminal or ex-con -- which defines a sociopath -- or he can be a guy who is adventuresome, experimental, has lived through a good amount of challenging experience, has done some wild things, is not too straight-laced, bucks the system, employs his own drummer and just generally makes up his own mind rather than following in lock-step what everyone else is doing. So, not all bad boys = sociopaths. Most women don't want a sociopath. We're not that far gone.


In the end though it doesn't really matter what the label means, does it? What does a label determine about you? It matters as little (and is as confining) as saying a nice guy is a doormat.


A doormat is a doormat.


Women like a man with some balls, but not such huge ones that he can't see around them. If you take it from there, that's really all you need to concern yourself with.

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I like nice guys. I just want him to have a darker side in the bedroom. Someone who understands that inflicting pain is a good way of expressing affection.


Only if you've been a very bad girl!


After all, the punishment is for your own good.


Now where'd I put that paddle...

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[What girls really like is confident guys. Who aren't needy, overly emotional, rude, selfish, or inconsiderate. Who just like themselves and are confident you will like them, too. And if you don't like them, well, they'll find someone who will.


please find me one with ALL those qualities.

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