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Would you date a chick that's already dating someone else?


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Would you guys date a chick that's already dating someone else? This guy known this chick longer than I have but I was dating her first and then it felt like I was chasing her because I was always the one initiating contact so I gave up and see if she would text me. Didn't speak to her for a few weeks then she invites me to her party last weekend. I brought a few friends and had fun. She was all over me that night macking out and cuddling. Then suddenly that guy she's dating shows up to take care of her while she was puking as she was really drunk so me and my friends just leave. I get a text from her the next day saying shes sorry and that the other guy thinks she's dating both of us now. I told her I'm not going to interrupt they're relationship together and I liked her alot. She told me that I didn't put enough effort into her and had no clue I even liked her. (I was the one chasing her when we were dating and didn't want to seem needy so I stopped and waited for her to initiate contact but that didn't happen until the invite).


*Sigh* I really miss her.

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It seems like she liked me I guess but I just didn't put much effort but to me I don't really initiate contact all the time unless the chick initiates it a few times. I just don't get why she invited me to her party and was all over me and then she called that guy over there. It sort of pissed me off

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Just be yourself brah. Don't try to go all out to impress and win her. If the other guy wants to put her on a pedestal and impress her then she'll be in for a little surprise when he drops the act of winning her over. Be genuine man and if she digs you then its all good, if not her loss.

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It is a headache, for me anyway. If I'm seeing someone, I'm giving them all of my attention, not splitting it 2, 3, 10 ways. I expect the same in return. People who "play the field", as it were, are indecisive. Therefore, I feel it's my duty to help them make a decision by showing them (or myself) the door.

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I say this it may hurt now, but imagine if it was much later when everything would be deeper and more emotionally scarring?


Plus, if she's dating you when she's with somebody else, what's to stop her from dating somebody else when she's with you?


Personally, i can't trust a person like that.

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