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Flirting with female students at my college


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I'm been single pretty much all of my life, and I'm at the point where I feel like I really want to be in a good relationship with a woman. I don't go out much, so I likely would find a woman here at my college. I know that a really good place to flirt with women is in the recreation center. I see so many pretty ladies over there, but I'm sort of afraid to approach them, because I'm unsure what their intuition of me is to them. I consider myself one of the most mature, loving individuals on this planet (no brag, just fact) but for whatever reasons some women simply don't appreciate that.... anyway, what do you suggest in order for me to flirt with those ladies and eventually influence them to be genuinely interested in me?



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i don't want to make this sound easy, but virtually.....it is easy.


make a comment about the sport they are playing, a book they are reading, even their shoes, etc.


their impression of you will be when you talk to them, get a conversation going, then tell them they should give you their number if you are feeling it and you find them attractive. their response will be their impression of you. don't feel bad if you don't get the number or if they say they have a bf. either way you met a new acquaintance and had a nice chat, hold your pride, leave it at that and move on.


i've even gone extreme on one and had nothing to go on but her looks. i straight up told a girl that i had to get her number because i thought she was beautiful and had to have her number going on the fact that i probably wouldn't get to see her again. she was single, found me attractive, and gave me her number. you don't have to tell a girl about her looks, usually i don't, but a comment about her eyes or hair helps. 1 compliment max. but mean it. girls love to be noticed.


i'd say 70% of guys really lack the confidence in themselves to hold a conversation. it really isn't that big of a deal. it's another person just like you. don't you like it when you meet people and they talk to you? i know i do. even when it's not to hook up.

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just keep in mind if they dont call you back or dont answer just move on and itll be okay. dont take things too personally. it sucks putting yourself out there but it is SO worth it when you finally find a few people that it actually works out with. plus you gain more confidence each time and it gets easier.


oh and girls in the gym sometimes do NOT want to be hit on. people go there to work out not be pestered by guys. sometimes there are girls there that are just looking to be ooh'ed and ahh'ed at by guys but id say the majority that go to the gym and actually work out regularly do not want to be hit on.

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