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Keeping Confidence High

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Hey, Iv been going through a weird spell at the moment where one day my confidence can be really high and I can go along the street singing and the next it is really low and I walk with my head down. Whats the best way to keep your confidence when you get it high?



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Well I'm that way too...one day I will think I look good, and feel good about myself then the next day I think I look bad and feel like *beep*. I don't know...here lately though, I just look in the mirror and say "This is me. I think I look good..and I know my friends will accept me no matter what. And the people that have a problem with the way I look they don't matter" If you tell yourself that....it makes you feel better. Just tell yourself you look good....

*Keep your head held high*



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Hm.....you don't think you look good? I mean I could shed a few pounds, wish I had clear skin, a little prettier but you know I'm supposed to look like this. No matter what there will always be someone who likes you just the way you are, even if you don't. I don't think I'm all that great but the guy I'm dating seems to think so. *The people who matter don't mind, and the people who mind don't matter*



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