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I'm a 25 year old guy... and still a virgin!

Green Mile

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And it drives me crazy!


I don't know how I've managed to get to this age and not have had sex when it seems like everybody else in the world lost their virginity in their teens.


Nobody knows I'm a virgin, if I've ever been asked by friends I've pretended I lost it in my teens at a party. I don't feel great lying to people but it saves me the embarrassment of admitting the truth and I think a lot of people would find it odd.


I have kissed plenty of girls but for whatever reason it's never led to anything further. I was briefly seeing somebody a few years ago but she was married and had a young child and I bailed out of it after 2 weeks and we never got as far as sex. Even worse for me is that I went home with a girl after a night out last year and ended up in bed with her at her house but I was very drunk (and combined with overwhelming nerves about the possibility I might be about to lose my virginity) I couldn't "get it up"


It's so frustrating, and since then another opportunity like that has yet to come my way. I consider myself to be good looking and lots of people agree, I think I'm a nice person and can turn on the charm when needed but there's something missing which has led me here. I must admit I don't approach many women at all, although I try and act as confident as possible I'm shy in that area and am scared of rejection.


So I wondered if anybody had any tips, especially when it hopefully comes to the day I get another shot at having sex - how do most girls feel about a guy being a virgin? I've always imagined it might put a girl off and her begin to find me weird, so is it best to lie and maybe say I'm just inexperienced rather than a total virgin?


It's got to the stage where I'm seriously considering visiting a prostitute if it doesn't happen soon! Sorry for the rant but I needed to get it off my chest in some way.

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It's about finding the right person, and when you are ready to lose your virginity. It may be what seems like the "cool thing to do" in the teens, but ask almost anyone who lost their virginity at a pretty young age, most in all honesty would say they regret it.

It may sound corny, but it really does mean a lot more when you find the right person to lose it with. My boyfriend was 23 years old and never lost his virginity. It wasn't really by his choice per say, he just didn't care. He is a very good looking guy, he has had plenty of offers, and his friends tried so hard for the longest time to get him to lose it, but he didn't care.


It didn't bother him, he was more wrapped up in his life at the moment. He liked the ladies, but didn't want to put time into them, and he didn't want to just sleep around. We ended up meeting, dated for almost a year, and he lost his virginity with me. I actually envy you because I lost my virginity at 17, and I felt a bit' guilty that he lost his to me, and I couldn't give him the same in return. To some people it actually means a lot more, than just "sex." You are actually a lucky guy, and a woman will thank you for that when it is time to lose it.


Last but not least, think of the piece of mind you will be giving this lucky girl later on? Too many diseases, it's a scary place to be "sleeping around." I want to leave this world with everything I came in with, nothing more and nothing less.

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I know it's not great to try and keep up with everybody else but I just feel terribly out of place sometimes when people talk about sex and it's something I've never experienced.


I guess it would be good to lose it to someone I love and it be special, but I'm getting to the point where I just don't care - I want it gone, I feel like just knowing I'm not a virgin anymore will give me the confidence boost to start having relationships.


I wish I could be comfortable with it and not care, but I don't.

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Are frustrated with not having opportunities to lose it or being a virgin in general? I'm in a similar situation, but I wouldn't mind being a virgin if I knew I could find a girlfriend easily or attract girls better. There's really nothing wrong with being a virgin if it's by choice.

Oh good point... when I think about it, I think I'm more frustrated with not having the opportunities yeah, rather than doing the act itself. I just wanna know once in a while that I have the option to lose it if I want to!

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I know exactly how you feel. I went through the same feelings when I was around your age (back in '05 or so).


I went for broke on Craigslist and waited to see what would happen. I actually got a legitimate reply and the deed was done.


A lot of people say you "just haven't found the right one yet", which is kinda crappy because there are people who lost their virginity at 16 or 17 or so, and they've been having one night stands and friends with benefits in the meantime, cheating on their partners and getting cheated on, etc. And they're not crazy or filthy for it.


Sometimes you need to embrace a kind of change. Something that can lead to friends. Real ones, like the kind with whom you can be honest and admit your virginity. I found my group of friends by getting a job as a pizza delivery driver for some little pizza place and I made quick friends with the guy who takes phone orders. He introduced me to his friends at a bar, they became mine, and my life has been better all for it.


Keep in mind that, just because you have fewer life experiences than some people, it doesn't mean you're a bad person. Hell, I never got into a girl's bed before I was 24, whiskey-phallus notwithstanding.


If you keep exploring activities, jobs, and so on, you might find a friend or two who will actually help you get laid. Positive thinking and change are good for you.

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Well, I used to think like you.... for myself, it isn't about losing virginity or not.


I'm much more concerned about being 25 yrs old and never having any opportunities with girls. Never had a girlfriend in my entire life, nor have ever been kissed, nothing. That is what really bothers me.


It isn't because I am anti-social either. I am a bit shy but haven't had much luck in meeting the right people.

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Hey, we have two things in common. Both virgins and both have b-days in Sept! It is indeed frustrating.


I'm 25 yrs old and a virgin.


I have a Sept b-day too. Must have been a very bad-luck month to be born in.

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you'll be surprised at how many people share your same burden...


My question to you is, if you were nervous with someone who wasn't a prostitute, what makes you think you wont be nervous after you pay for one?

I don't know for sure I won't be, I just feel that if I lost my virginity in whatever way, then the times after that I wouldn't have the stigma attached to me anymore and feel more confident.

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Find a yourself a girl that interests you and that you'd love and one day it'll happen and will be great. The way I see it, a look from my girl whom I love is far better than the prettiest girl naked. It does make a difference. Just hearing my girl's voice gives me goosebumps, let alone a look, let alone a smile, a giggle, a touch, a kiss. Man, just find yourself a girl you love then her smile would be a greater pleasure than any treasure. What's so good about PAYING for things that are only meaningful and beautiful when intended. A girl that you love will make love to your soul. If not with someone I love, then I might as well masturbate.

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Craigslist. Say what you want to say but there are plenty of cougars on there that would love to deflower young men. And they are hot by the way. In my opinion they should be the first choice for you. Last choice, hooker. The prettier they are the more expensive they are. You are over romanticizing it man. Just bust a nut on butt and then find the next one. Good luck cowboy. I have faith in you.

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Going down those routes isn't the solution. It is, but for a different problem.

To just lose your virginity is only a temporary fix (imo). Me losing my virginity would basically mean I've been able to have a relationship up to "that level". Losing a bit of the social pressure sure, but nothing solve the the REAL problem.

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Craigslist. Say what you want to say but there are plenty of cougars on there that would love to deflower young men. And they are hot by the way. In my opinion they should be the first choice for you. Last choice, hooker. The prettier they are the more expensive they are. You are over romanticizing it man. Just bust a nut on butt and then find the next one. Good luck cowboy. I have faith in you.

Shame I'm in the UK and craigslist is nowhere near as popular here than in the US! But thanks for the advice.

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Going down those routes isn't the solution. It is, but for a different problem.

To just lose your virginity is only a temporary fix (imo). Me losing my virginity would basically mean I've been able to have a relationship up to "that level". Losing a bit of the social pressure sure, but nothing solve the the REAL problem.

Interesting perspective...

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Have you guys had the opportunity and messed it up? Or has the chance never came to you? What about those adultfriendfinder websites? They are legit, aren't they/


I've had a few opportunities but things have always gotten messed up for stupid reasons, most of them starting because of being shy and a bit clueless. I am only 20, but I sometimes worry about it because the longer it takes me the more experienced everyone else is going to be.

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You'll lose it when you're ready and not any sooner. But, I would recommend that you do not mention it. There's nothing wrong with virginity, but many people can't stand virgins that constantly shove down everyone's throats. Don't promote it and just simply be social and friendly. When it's meant to be, you'll be fine.

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