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The "No, I will not take you back" speech...

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I was the dumpee...and here is my the speech (after what I have been hearing from some mutual friends on a possible want of a reconciliation on his end):



You had a woman who would have made a great wife and mother...but you ran. You ran because you couldn't take the pressures of life and felt that everything was my fault because you couldn't grow up and be a man. You dropped the ball on the last quarter of the game and left me alone, and you expect me to think you won't do the same again? * * * * hits the fan and will always hit the fan and adult couples are supposed to stick together. They are supposed to become a stronger unit, not divide and conquer and selfishly go through life in an "every man for himself" mode. I cannot take you back because the person I am in love with no longer exists. I cannot take you back because I can no longer depend on you to stand by my side for better or worse. You are not that person anymore. You are this spiteful child whose sole purpose is to hurt me by ignoring me or saying vindictive things that I do not deserve. And I definitely deserve a guy who knows I am important...who does not need to lose me to realize how important I am. If you truly loved me, that information should be second nature to you.


You made your bed...not lay in it...alone.




What speech would you like to give your ex if he/she wanted to reconcile? (obviously one we would never say, but what we want to say)

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A simple 'I don't want us to get back together.' will suffice. Keep this venting to yourself, because if you lash out at him with this, he is going to get defensive and it will be a back and forth argument. It will get nasty and you will just create more of a headache for yourself.

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Sorry guys, I forgot to post this as a vent thread...one where I wanted to see what everyone else would want to say to their ex if reconciliation was ever an issue.


I wouldn't say "no I will not take you back" until after I had asked, "What would be different?" and considered the evidence.

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