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Crazy online dating statistics


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check out this article. lots of interesting online dating stats


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A few highlights:


•One out of ten users on online dating sites are scammers; one out of ten users leave within the first 3 months; and one out of ten sex offenders reportedly use online dating to meet people.

•One out of three women who meet men online have sex on the first encounter.

•Online, men lie most about their age, height, and income. Women, on the other hand, lie most about their weight, physical build, and age.


Even after reading this, I am still totally behind online dating. I found some of their results really interesting though.

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check out this article. lots of interesting online dating stats


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A few highlights:


•One out of ten users on online dating sites are scammers; one out of ten users leave within the first 3 months; and one out of ten sex offenders reportedly use online dating to meet people.

•One out of three women who meet men online have sex on the first encounter.

•Online, men lie most about their age, height, and income. Women, on the other hand, lie most about their weight, physical build, and age.


Even after reading this, I am still totally behind online dating. I found some of their results really interesting though.


Whoa that one is kinda scary. The whole lying thing is just depressing. What's the point? How can anyone take someone seriously after finding out they lied, even a 'small' lie? /shrug It's beyond me.


Zowie courtship to marriage online: 18months, RealLife (I refuse saying offline lol): 42months. Hop in too fast much?! I wonder how many of those are rebounds from breakups....

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It also says that out of those women who had sex on the first date, 4 out of 5 of them did NOT use protection. That is REALLY scary.


Yeah! Good grief. When you look at the mean ages they should know better then that. Sheesh. Lotta players out there, both genders. Kinda like going to studio 54 circa 1978.

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i met my ex online so i guess that's why I'm still for it. It was through a social networking site and not a dating site though, so that may have made a difference. I met 5 not so great guys online before i met him too. i think you have to be prepared to meet some of these kinds of people and be okay with it if you go out into the online dating world

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I think it also has a lot to do with where the members are located. I bet if this data was gathered by regions of the US, Miami would rank in the top 3 of the worse categories (Unprotected sex, sex on 1st dates, etc.) There really is something about a lot of Miami girls who are members of online dating sites. They are all the same and have all been around with many from the site. Its gross actually.

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^^^ yeah, but what's with using a happy smiley bear(?) for sex offenders?! Is it me or is that just wrong/weird. I'm with Jpo, I'm not an OLDing fan.


That bear my friend is PedoBear. PedoBear is an online legend... it really is more of a joke than anything... Check Youtube for PedoBear you will see what I mean...

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Aaaah, k. Was wondering, that's pretty creepy.


It really is pretty messed up lol... but I find it quite funny myself... I dunno lol.. I mean as long as it's all jokes it is ok, but it really does suck that there are people like that out there.... disgusting.

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