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ex started calling me alot then..facebook


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well my ex and I were talking alot and it was cool. We wasnt talking about getting back together but we were hanging and talking. It was good. Then I check facebook to find picture of him with a chic on her front pages. painful. i see that she is friends with his friends and it was hard to accept. He didnt know that i seen the pictures at first. Then i asked him about it and he was like we are dating...it just seems like more because she is connected to his friends and in our circle. I told him that i wish he didnt bring her into our circle and I wouldnt have play him so close. He just answered okay..and that was it. I said what does okay mean..he said he was done with the conversation. feeling really bad now.

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How long has it been since you two have been broken up?


Maybe he just started dating this new girl and has been finding himself comparing her to you constantly. I know this happens a lot with rebound relationships. Maybe since hes comparing you two, he is constantly thinking about you and started talking to you to see if he really did make the right decision.


Definitely stop looking at his facebook. You can block his posts from your live feed if you want and he won't even know you did it. I recently did this and have felt sooo much better with what I've been going through lately.


If you really think about it, what good comes from looking at his facebook? Nothing! The only things you will see is him in his new life and it will just make you think and wonder. Constantly looking at someones facebook will slow down the recover process X10!


Hang in there. Worry about yourself. Stop looking at his facebook and just do your own thing. He still cares about you or else he wouldn't be contacting you. Let him make all the steps back to you.

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i think it is too last for us. I already acted jealous and Im sure it turned him off and he is going to just move on. He has been dating this chic for a while now since we broke up. I just need to let go and get on with my own life. Time to cut my losses. I know its over now.

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i think it is too last for us. I already acted jealous and Im sure it turned him off and he is going to just move on. He has been dating this chic for a while now since we broke up. I just need to let go and get on with my own life. Time to cut my losses. I know its over now.


Nobody knows whats in store for the future. People get back together all the time. Months or years down the road. It doesn't matter how long it happens. I've read about couple who get back together 10 years down the road.



Moving on would be the best thing for you now. Worrying about yourself is the best thing you can do. If he is still contacting you, then he still cares. Worry about yourself and don't worry about him. Make him want to contact you more and more. Make him realize that your not there for him anymore. Don't always be available when he wants to talk. I think you need to move into NIC (no initiating contact first). It will help you heal and will make you feel more in control of the situation. You should do it for yourself. Not for him. Just know that if he does still love you, he will come back on his own. There is nothing you can do to make him want to come back right now. You can only do things to make him not want to come back.

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he called me this morning and told me he hates me....called me a btch....a muthfkr and said he can bring anybody he wants to bring around. he said was so so mad. he was totally hard on me. he called my uncle and said to ask me to leave him alone. I called my uncle and told him that he was calling me all this time. My uncle called him back and said dont call her anymore and she wont be calling you. He said I wont call her anymore. I text him and said you will never hear from me again. It is over!

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