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Are all guys Jerks?

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I honestly feel like my world has come crashing down. About 3 weeks ago my boyfriend left on a 4 day trip. He said he'll miss me and that he loved me more than ne thing in the world and I thought everything was fine.


When he came back, he broke up with me saying he has met another girl and that she makes him feel . . . different. He then tells me it has been a month now that he's been wanting to break up, that he started finding me less attractive but not physically, (which i really don't understand what that means). Furthermore i lost my virginity to him about a month ago(and he says that's about the time he wanted to break up) I feel horrible, stupid, and used. I mean how could I not have seen it coming? I knew him for 4 months before we went out together.


Now it's been 2 weeks since the break up and I'm still devastated and I just saw him today with the girl he met on the trip (who goes to my school by the way). When I said hello to him today he simply ignored me and whispered something in that girl's ear that made them both laugh. I came home and cried more than the past 2 weeks put together.


Is this the way relationships go?

Are guys really like that?

Does he still have feelings 4 me?

I'm really confused and all the while many "What if questions are lingering in my head."

I guess i just want to know what it is i did wrong before seeing him in my 1st year of college next year.

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You did nothing wrong. That's just the way it goes sometimes. Some guys are real jerks that have no regard for peoples feelings, and the same goes for a lot of girls. Sorry you're feeling down, hopefully you'll get over it quickly.

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I guess somewhere deep within all guys are like that..


A lot of people stay that way...


Some grow up and actually care about the girl he is with´s feelings.


My ex girlfriend, dumped me, cuz I wasn´t what she was looking for (she told me after about 17 months together), then she went out with another guy who had sex with her, and then dumped her..


she repeated that 3 times, then called me and said how terrible she felt, and how much she felt abused.



So I know a lot about this sort of guys..


and somewhere, I am one of them too.. Since I too have treated some girls bad, but I would be lying if I said I didn´t regret everything after I had done them.



But I am absolutely confident that he still has feelings for you.


But I also believe that he has that child inside of him saying "you´re last months model"


Sorry about the expression.


I´ve talked a lot with my X about exactly that kind of feeling, and she just recently moved on, from being broken hearted..


So she was feeling really sad for about 6 months..


So, only advise I really can give is, move on..


If he don´t appreciate what he got.. then he don´t deserve it.

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Not all guys are that way. Some guys are. Some girls are.


Some people are just made that way. I'm sorry you feel used, especially since he was the first one you were intimate with. The only thing you can do now is to learn from this. Hard lesson, to have to be learnt this way, but now you have one more ''tip'' on the type of guy to stay away from.


Try to take some good from a lousy situation. All is not lost, you did learn something, take that with you.


I hope you start getting over it. Best wishes.

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Ya dont worry there r guys that i know of that r not jerks like that and you shouldnt talk to that guy anymore.He doesnt deserve u if he was such a jerk like that i mean i dont get why people can do things to people that r so heartless and i feel bad for you but just forgot about him like the otehr people said its not your fault.

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Is this the way relationships go?

Sadly some guys view relationships as a hunt. Once they tag and mount the woman, they are no longer needed


Are guys really like that?

Sadly some are. I am not. My woman is my queen. I feel like its my duty to satisfy her needs, mostly in bedroom, but outside too (not like oooo a diamond, yes my sweetie. and I buy it)


Does he still have feelings 4 me?

He could have meant he lost intrest in your personallity. Something I personally do is never become predictable. Thats how things stay spicey with my lover.

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All guys certainly are not jerks, but your ex-boyfriend is definitely not an exception. I don't think you should beat youself up too much about the the loss of attraction, because people do change, and with this change they sometimes want new things. However, it is pretty rude that he had the nerve to ignore you at school when all you were trying to do is be friendly. I can understand that at the moment you feel used since he was the one you lost your virginity with, but you cannot live your life with regrets. Remember how you felt about him back then, and even though things have changed now, it doesn't matter because you were happy with him and you did love him, but unfortunately not all relationships last forever...If you think about it, its a good thing that they don't, or else how would we get any experience?

You'll grow and learn from these things. Take it one day at a time, the pain will eventually pass.

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No Val not all guys are jerks just like all the other posters here have said..but if anything you learn from this situation. You know what to look out for, what to avoid, and I would think any guy that treats you like this one did you should see it as they are not worth your time..give them time they'll realize how good you could've been to be with but when they come crying back you'll already have what you want and won't give it up for anything.


Good Luck



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Not all guys are jerks..


Not all girls are *bleeps*


Just gotta know where to find the right ones.. I guess. Of course being I'm 23 and have never had a relationship/date/kiss/romantic phone conversation or anything with a girl I'm the last one to give anyone advice on love....

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Don't worry ima guy an lemme tell you some of us look for greener grass and some will think you ARE the greener grass. It's basically trial and error. Find a guy date him, if he isnt what u want .. TO THE CURB! an keep looking there are guys who love with their heart not just their Cockadoodle


Best of luck


never give up on it

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