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Ok...well where to start. Well my names Kayla. Im 15 years old. Easy way to explain myself is im different from everyone else. I use to be so shy. I mean when i had a boyfriend it took me weeks to hold his hand, it was kinda pathetic. Well lets say I changed completely. I donno with everything that is goin on in my life I feel I need attention and should take it anytime I have the chance. I guess u can say I tured into a whore. Well i mean im still a virgin but I go around alot. I dont mean to hurt people it just happens. I broke up with my bf Dominic and went out with this kid named chris. Chris was goin out with this girl for a year and broke up with her cuz he fell in luv with me, I felt really bad cuz I can tell his girl loved him. But she also made alota mistakes she cheated on him and everything so i donno. I recently did sexual things with chris and now everyone is out to get me literally. His ex girlfriends wanna fight me now, and im in a alota trouble. The girl Lauren who wants to fite me in very tough and most likely im goin down. I needa fight her though or im gonna look like a chicken. I dunno wut 2 do....I wanna stay loyal to people but its hard...

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Go for her eyes! Just kidding. Well, I don't know what you should do. Better try to avoid fighting her. Besides, it's not like that guy belonged to her. He is a living, breathing, thinking person. If he decided to go with you instead, there's got to be a reason. Besides, she cheated on him. She got what was coming to her.

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Don't let it get to a fight...If she challenges you or steps up...ask questions..."Why do you want to fight? Whats the point? Great, your tough, whats it prove?" stuff like that...hopefully it won't come to a fight, everytime someone starts with me thats the sort of thing I do and the only time I've actually gotten into a fight is playing hockey...but thats a different deal...

Do not mention to her how he left her and that she cheated on him...that'll probably piss her off...

Talking someone out of fighting isn't chicken it's smart...You could even say I don't have time to fight with you, it's just a waste of my time...

Best of luck...and try not to break anymore hearts!

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  • 3 months later...

bout the loyalty issue, if you feel like you are going to cheat on someone then theres no need to even be with that person, i hate when people say things like "o i love him/her" then turn around and cheat on them, news flash if you truly loved someone you wouldnt do that to them, there is no greater pain in the world then to love someone that doesnt love you back, cause love is a two edged sword, it can cut both ways

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