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PLEASE read this. Iwas with someone for 7 months and we had a great relationship, he lives in brookline, and I lived in rochester, thats about an hour away. we'd see eachother about every weekend and have a great time. I was giong to go to senior prom with him, and I helped him pick out his tux, and I bought a dress and everything, and he got tickets, then a day before our 7 month anaversary, he broke up with me saying the distance thing and him going off to college that it just wasnt giong to work out. He doesnt have a car, or his lisense yet, so we'd have a very difficult time seeing eachother, plus he was moving another hour away from me, to lowell. If we he really wanted to, we could have made it work. I wanted to. I call him about everyday but he never picks up. I love him with all my heart and I know he loves me too, I don't reallyunderstand why he broke up with me. he broke up with me one other time for like a week and when we got beack together he said he wished I woul have shown up at his house and ran up to him crying and hugged him and this whole romantic movie scene thing. He is moving sometime in june, it is june 2nd, I dont even know if he's moved yet, but before he does i want to show up at his house, and cry in his arms, like his little romantic fantasy. He will not return my calls, his prom was last night, and im geussing he went, but there isnt a minute that goes by and I dont think about him. I would do anything to be with him agian. If I go to his house I could be in for a day of complete heaven, or complete rejection. But i think its worth the chance. Please give me your honest opinion... should I go to his house?

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I've been in a very similar situation, only I was the one who broke up with my boyfriend. We live 2 hours apart. He also doesn't have a car or a drivers lisense. We were both also very busy and could only see each other every 3-4 month and that was very diffucult for me. We weren't at a point whever we said I love you to each other and I didn't want to fall in love with him be hurt. We stayed friends and still talk to each other everyday online but I haven't seen him in 6 month already.


I think that you should talk to your ex before he leaves. Long distance relationships are really hard. Maybe you could at least stay friends for now and see what happens. If it is meant to be then it will happen. But if he rejects you, dont sit and wait for him, try to move on .

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Listen~ As much as you want to hear most of us say to go to his house. I am advising you not to. First of all, that is like playing a game by not answering your calls but then wants you to act out some romantic movie scene. Life is not a movie. Things like that don't happen. (sometimes they do, but rarely) Relationships are work, not passionate movies to be acted out. I fear for you that you will be very disappointed going to his house. Anyway, why would you go when he broke up with you? I don't think he's kidding around about it. He's off to college and trust me, I have been there. When you go to college, new experiences and people are waiting to be discovered. You will have that exciting adventure too. My high school boyfriend and I are good friends now. The whole college thing made it tough for us too. Actually I was in CT and he was in Boston. Neither of us had cars and there were a lot of trust issues. Let him go. He is going to experience college now. You made an attempt to get in touch with him, but he has not responded. Live your life and concentrate on getting better and getting right with you. You are the most important right now. Not him.

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Ok I'm sorry, but you definitely should not go to his house. That might be what he wants, but why should you do something for him? What has he done for you? If anybody goes to anybodies house, it should be HIM going to yours, and crying HIS eyes out, not you. You deserve a movie-dream-come-true story too! Remember, he left you. Why on earth would he expect you to grovel and beg for him back?? Sounds almost like an ego trip or something. I understand that you are hurting and the only thing you want right now is to hear his voice...or see his face, or see ANYTHING that has to do with him, to release your pain if only for a split second. But what will change? You'll go back to being alone, and possibly in an even worse situation because now you'll need to see him again, and he might not be as receptive. Sounds like he's already giving you hints by not answering his phone. Be strong! Mirror his actions...MAKE HIM CHASE YOU FOR A CHANGE! You deserve to feel important and special. And if it's not him, I GUARANTEE you that someone is out there searching for you. I am sorry that you didn't go to his prom, that has to hurt a lot! Not knowing if he even went, or what happened. But do your best to not dwell on it. Reconnect with friends or other activities. Spend time with your family. Listen to music. Distract yourself and make yourself a challenge. Make it hard for him to contact you. This might snap him out of it, it might not. But do this to help you get over him. That's what you need right now. There are no easy answers, and it takes a lot of time and personal strength. But you are strong, remember that! I hope some of this helps. Take care.



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