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LOL. This is really stupid, but I just wanna make sure!

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LOL. My realllllllly, extremely cute guy friend likes A.F.I. And so do I. After school we were hanging out w/ a bunch of people. And I happened to mention that I liked A.F.I. He's like "WOOOOA YOU LIKE THEM?!?" Lol It looked like he was really surprised.

He said, "Oh I have their new CD."


I said, "Sing of the Sorrow?"


He replies, "Yup."


I said, "(haha/laugh) I don't have it. Isn't that sad?"


He said, "No...Do you have a blank CD?"


I reply, "Um yes. Why?" (obviously I know where this is going, but I just said it coz...u kno w/e.)


He says, "Well I'll burn it for you. Bring a blank CD."


Then, I said thank you bla bla bla. haha. OKAY, MY POINT IS....He's kind of a forgetful person. I'm serious. If he says something one day, the next day or two someone mentions what he said, he says "oh. I said that?" It's really but sad. haha. So tomorrow, or some other day if I give him the blank CD. I don't want him to go, "What's this?" and I would have to say "remember you said u were going to burn the afi cd for me?" That's just awkward/embarrasing. I hope some of you understand what I mean. HELP?!? It's not THAT important, but just tell me what you think.

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Well hopefully he remembers what he said the day before. You could wait awhile & see if he happens to mention it. If not, then just give him the cd. If he forgets, just remind him, he will remember then unless he has a problem. I would understand if he told you a week ago maybe, but not the day before. Don't be embarrassed, he said he would burn it for you. If he does forget you could just ask him if he would like to burn it for you.

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