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The outsider

Mr Derick

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As far as I can remember I have always been "The outsider"


I'm Welsh, was born in Wales, parents are Welsh and I even have a Welsh name which is Deryn.


When I was at age to start school my mother tried to get me into a Welsh school as she wanted me to be brought up speaking Welsh but unfortunately I wasn't able to get into the school because after an interview ( at such a young age? ) they told my mother my accent wasn't suitable for learning Welsh. The lisp I had didn't exactly help much either!


And so I went to an English speaking primary school, and I remember being treated different, I was the only person in my class to go to a special class for speaking as I had a lisp. And although they were my friends it was easily noticeable that I was treated differently, it sucked but I learnt to deal with it


At the end of primary school my parents dropped the bomb on me and told me we were moving to Spain. I went to a Spanish school and once again treated like the outsider, I was the only British person in the school so everyone would stare when I walked past and talk about me bla bla bla. Didn't bother me that much as I'm pretty sure a Spanish person in a all British school would get talked about. But although it didn't bother me that much, it just made me feel that I didn't fit in at all. That went on for a two years until I moved school again, but this time there are British there though not a lot but at least some.


But they were all English, and they didn't take to kindly to Welsh people. Typical so not only am I an outsider to the Spanish but also to the English people now. So I decided to join the local football team, I made a lot of new Spanish friends on the team that were in my school so I hanged out with them but I still didn't fit in.


I finished school at the age of 16 and joined the Army, I went to the Army Foundation College in Harrogate and was in a Platoon of around 40 other Junior Soliders, there were an even mix of Welsh & English. So I thought I could fit in here, sadly I was mistaken and I eventually got the nickname "Spwelsh" ( Spanish/Welsh ) and was treated differently as if I was some Posh kid, only because I spoke with a mixed accent of Spanish and Welsh and didn't use slang or these messed up words teens some to use today in Britain.


I eventually left after basic training due to a bad foot injury and moved back to where I was born, Wales. I enrolled into college for a 1 year course of IT and 2 year course of Public services. The first year was hard, getting used to the lifestyle here was harder then I thought. So many things had changed since I was last year and the people are so different here in the Valleys then other places I've been too. Well, I have a few friends here now that I'm in my third year but I am once again treated like an outsider. Although its partially my fault this time as I don't go out partying and drinking all the time as the people here do. Its not my thing, I hate drinking and because of that I don't go out much to pubs where everyone is.


So pretty much I havn't fitted anywhere at all. And truthfully, I honestly couldn't careless any more but the only thing that bugs me about it, is that I'm here in Britain where I was born but I'm treated as a foreigner. People I speak to casually or strangers I have to speak to always ask me where I'm from or they will tell me what my accent sounds like.


Within the 3 years I've been living here I have been told I sound Spanish, Arabic, Irish, Scottish, A crazy accent no one has ever heard off ( He actually said that ), Israeli, Australian and many other. Or I've been told I look foreign, sometimes they think I'm a from north Africa, Italy, Turkey and even from Japan.


Yes I know I have wrote a lot and I do apologize for it but I also thank you if you have read all of it.


And now to the actual point, I have had enough of living in Britain and I want to move to Japan. I have spent the last 5 hours looking on the internet for websites, information, job opportunities and all sorts. Have any of you moved to Japan or are there any Japanese people that can help me out with some information?


I am currently learning Japanese and I find it quite interesting and making some good progress, I also made my course tutor to allow me to study Japanese for the language module instead of Welsh or Spanish.


Thank you all for reading

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Isn't Japan an odd choice if you are looking to "fit in" somewhere? You will stick out like a sore thumb.


Edit: Sorry, missed the part where you said some people think you look Japanese. Although I still stand by my statement, since the people who tell you that are probably mistaken anyway about what Japanese people look like.

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Isn't Japan an odd choice if you are looking to "fit in" somewhere? You will stick out like a sore thumb.


Edit: Sorry, missed the part where you said some people think you look Japanese. Although I still stand by my statement, since the people who tell you that are probably mistaken anyway about what Japanese people look like.


What I mean is if I don't fit in then I would like to be in a place of my choice, some where where I know I will enjoy.

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There is a saying: "Wherever you go, there you are." Or, to paraphrase a saying the Romans had: "You can change your skies, but your mind is the same".

However, if you feel Japan is the place for you, I would suggest go there first on a visit, and see how you like it. I have no idea what job prospects might be like in Japan. Like everywhere else, they are suffering from the recession.


I am a bit perplexed about what you say re your schooling in Spain. I lived and worked in Spain for well over 35 years, and learned Spanish as a child and college student, and at university in Spain. Even after all that time I do not have a "Spanish accent" when I speak my native tongue: English.

Also, lots of English and other European children go to Spanish schools in Spain and I do not appear to encounter problems. Indeed friends of mine had their children at a Spanish school.


I have never heard of English people not taking kindly to Welsh people. What would they have against them? Are Welsh "foreigners"? Besides, England is full of people from an array of other countries, so "foreign" is a commonplace nowadays.

I am Irish myself, and many of my friends are English (met quite a few of them when I lived in Spain). Many would say they loved my lilting Irish accent LOL.


I hope it all works out for you, and good luck


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life is what you make it, no matter where you are.


i think you should go for a visit first before you decide to move there..


i'm sure you already know moving there will not make you happy...however i understand completely maye the need for a fresh start?


good luck

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People I speak to casually or strangers I have to speak to always ask me where I'm from or they will tell me what my accent sounds like.


Within the 3 years I've been living here I have been told I sound Spanish, Arabic, Irish, Scottish, A crazy accent no one has ever heard off ( He actually said that ), Israeli, Australian and many other. Or I've been told I look foreign, sometimes they think I'm a from north Africa, Italy, Turkey and even from Japan.


The non-descript accent is a common thing amongst Forces kids. It's an in-joke that the two questions routinely asked are Where are you from? and What accent do you have? I always get the posh thing, I'm often asked if I attended 'somewhere like Eton' (I wish lol). I've also gotten the Australian connection many times. The most concise answer I have heard to date is 'Born in _____, Bred everywhere'. I know you don't have a Forces background but you could always adopt this line when you want to keep it simple.


Remember, your upbringing has contributed to the unique, determined person you are today. Accept all aspects of yourself and others will follow.


Do your research thoroughly and enjoy Japan!

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