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this is my first post here. but i really need some advice..


my ex girlfriend and i broke up back in december. we dated for two years and was very serious. we broke up because she said she was no longer happy and fell out of love with me.


on feb 15th she contacted me and said she missed me and would like to hang out sometime to catch up. i learned that in the short time we had been apart she had dated someone, got engaged and then broke up.


it didnt take us long to pick up where we left off. we started acting like we was dating again as soon as we saw eachother. holding hands, kissing, sleeping together etc. we are both very happy when we are together and have allot of fun. several times we have talked about how its great that we get along so good and are like best friends.


what is confusing to me is when i ask her about getting back together she said she wants too. but doesnt want a relatoinship right now. and doesnt want to be tied down. she also says that she is scared we will break up again if we get back together.


to make things more complicated she recently moved from nc to alabama. i went and saw her this past weekend with hopes of working things out. again we acted like we were dating all weekend. before i left i asked again about getting back together and she gave me same excuse as before about not wanting a relationship and bein scared. i also learned that she is seeing another guy down there. they are not dating but have been hanging out on a regular basis. she did not admit this to me but i saw somet text on her phone


so why is she acting the way she does when we are together is she doesnt want to be with me? im so confused. what should i do?


sorry for the long post

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Welcome to the forum!


Her breaking up with you and seeing someone within three months and 'engaged' is a bit shocking to say the least. She's obviously confused and unsure, she seems to be bouncing back and forth in trying to justify the situation she's in to find this happy medium. Maybe it's comforting right now for her to know two guys care about her.


Obviously this isn't fair to you and if I were you, I would step back quite a bit. Not only she sounds unstable in her feelings, her having another guy in her life whether it's serious or not could jeopardize any chance of you two being together at this point.


Did you two try to work things before the break up occurred or did the breakup happen abruptly on her part?

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She called you on Februrary 15th..the day after Valentine's Day...perhaps her breakup was fresh and she was upset that she no longer had a Valentine's Day partner. At any rate, this woman sounds like a mess...she craves attention from multiple men, bounces from one to the next, sleeps with more than one person at a time (guaranteed she is sleeping with this other guy), embarks on whirlwind relationships, gets engaged and then it ends all so quickly. What exactly do you love about her...because this woman is a dysfunctional mess who uses people...she is not a very admirable individual.

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Welcome to the forum!


Her breaking up with you and seeing someone within three months and 'engaged' is a bit shocking to say the least. She's obviously confused and unsure, she seems to be bouncing back and forth in trying to justify the situation she's in to find this happy medium. Maybe it's comforting right now for her to know two guys care about her.


Obviously this isn't fair to you and if I were you, I would step back quite a bit. Not only she sounds unstable in her feelings, her having another guy in her life whether it's serious or not could jeopardize any chance of you two being together at this point.


Did you two try to work things before the break up occurred or did the breakup happen abruptly on her part?


it happened very abruptly everything seemed fine to me and all of a sudden she just broke it off. i agreee that should step back a bit. but should i totally blow her off? or keep some contact?

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She called you on Februrary 15th..the day after Valentine's Day...perhaps her breakup was fresh and she was upset that she no longer had a Valentine's Day partner. At any rate, this woman sounds like a mess...she craves attention from multiple men, bounces from one to the next, sleeps with more than one person at a time (guaranteed she is sleeping with this other guy), embarks on whirlwind relationships, gets engaged and then it ends all so quickly. What exactly do you love about her...because this woman is a dysfunctional mess who uses people...she is not a very admirable individual.


i agree with you. i dont know what it is about her. but im just very much in love with her. she makes me happy and we have allot of fun when we are together. but at the same time i feel like im getting played and i dont want that too happen

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